Any Home Bakers Here?

My everyday bread recipe:

2 TB veg oil
1 1/4 cup very warm water
3 1/4 cup bread flour
2 1/4 teas rapid yeast
1 teas salt (I use sea salt)
2 TB sugar

Combine with dough hook

dough should be pliable but not too soft. Add water or flour as needed.
after combined make dough ball put in lightly oiled bowl & cover for 30 minutes to rise
then knead & place in large loaf pan and cover for an additional 30 minutes allow to rise again , bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes

Devils food Chocolate Cake

2 sticks of butter
2 TB vegetable oil
3/4 cup cocoa powder I use Nestles Cocoa Powder
3/4 Cup of warm water
3 Cup of cake flour sifted
1 teas baking soda
1/2 teas salt
2 1/4 cup sugar
4 large or 5 medium eggs
1 TB vanilla

Bake at 350 degrees until toothpick comes out clean approx 30 min in two 8" cake rounds


3 cup powder sugar
1 stick softened butter
4-5 TB whole milk or half & half
1 teas vanilla
My everyday bread recipe:

2 TB veg oil
1 1/4 cup very warm water
3 1/4 cup bread flour
2 1/4 teas rapid yeast
1 teas salt (I use sea salt)
2 TB sugar

Combine with dough hook

dough should be pliable but not too soft. Add water or flour as needed.
after combined make dough ball put in lightly oiled bowl & cover for 30 minutes to rise
then knead & place in large loaf pan and cover for an additional 30 minutes allow to rise again , bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes

Devils food Chocolate Cake

2 sticks of butter
2 TB vegetable oil
3/4 cup cocoa powder I use Nestles Cocoa Powder
3/4 Cup of warm water
3 Cup of cake flour sifted
1 teas baking soda
1/2 teas salt
2 1/4 cup sugar
4 large or 5 medium eggs
1 TB vanilla

Bake at 350 degrees until toothpick comes out clean approx 30 min in two 8" cake rounds


3 cup powder sugar
1 stick softened butter
4-5 TB whole milk or half & half
1 teas vanilla

Thanks for the recipes! Do you brush your bread loaves with something to give them that lovely shine?

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