Any Home Bakers Here?

Thanks N F C.

The steak isn't something I would normally buy. I started receiving meat packages from the Butcher Box --- amazing cuts of meat delivered to my door! So I am forced to learn how to cook the different meats. I look it up on the net. Lol - darkness interfered with my cooking the ribeye. Had to stop before I got to the last step. I covered the steak with a dome lid, set it off to the side, and got the animals to bed/locked down. Went back in to eat and it was cooked perfectly!

For hamburgers....I make a soy free teriyaki sauce, marinate my ground beef, and cook. Oh so delicious!
I do have the ability to edit articles though since I am a project manager(We are supposed to get a new fancy badge for that but it must be low priority).
I'd just suggested it because I saw a section for recipes under the articles section and thought it would be good to have the info in one spot, both for you to link to instead of having to type it out a lot, and ease of finding it in a 1000-post threat. I have an "edit" button on my coop "article", is there a problem with editing?
I'd just suggested it because I saw a section for recipes under the articles section and thought it would be good to have the info in one spot, both for you to link to instead of having to type it out a lot, and ease of finding it in a 1000-post threat. I have an "edit" button on my coop "article", is there a problem with editing?
Editing your article is a good thing.
The first post on a thread locks the thread starter out after a certain amount of time.
Articles are better because the do not time out for the person that started the article.

Made some white "chocolate" chip cookies with walnuts. They smelled amazing.

Found a recipe for the Afghan Biscuits and made some. Husband says they look better than they taste. I don't eat sweets, but I just like to bake.

Both made with gluten free flours.
I will be on this thread for sure!
Sourdough is a specialty though. I do have recipes in the firs post on this thread. Maybe I can get the sourdough article set as a sticky here?
Ron, just wanted to let you know the starter arrived today! You planned its' arrival perfectly - it's my birthday! Thanks so much, I really appreciate it! Glad to hear you're staying on this thread. We need you!
I really appreciate this collection of recipes. I have excess eggs and have been "scrambling" around for recipes to use them. The yeast bread recipes I've tried haven't been as good as my 8 egg pound cake. But now I have some new ones to try. Thanks.
Apple cake sounds good...have you shared that recipe on here before?

Happy early birthday to you! :thumbsup
Thanks! I haven't posted the recipe yet, but here it is, for anyone who may want to give it a try. It's good!


Cake -
1/2 C. butter, melted
2 C. sugar
2 large eggs
1 tea. vanilla
2 C. flour
1 tea. baking soda
1 tea. salt
2 tea. cinnamon
4 Granny Smith apples, peeled and sliced (I actually cut mine into approx. 1" pieces)
1 C. chopped walnuts, toasted

Stir together melted butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla in a large bowl until blended. Combine flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon; add to butter mixture, stirring until blended. Stir in apple slices and walnuts. Spread in a greased 9" x 13" pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 min. or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely and spread with cream cheese frosting (below) and sprinkle with extra walnuts, if desired.

Frosting -
1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
3 Tbsp. butter, softened
1-1/2 C. powdered sugar
1/8 tea. salt
1 tea. vanilla

Beat cream cheese and butter at medium speed until creamy. Gradually add sugar & salt, beating till blended. Stir in vanilla.

NOTE: I have to warn you, this batter looks really strange when you put it in the pan. It's pretty thick, and it looks like there's way more apples than batter. Trust me - just go with it. Somehow, weird as it looks before baking, it comes out so delicious. I've made this for many people, and it's always a HUGE hit!
Ron, just wanted to let you know the starter arrived today! You planned its' arrival perfectly - it's my birthday! Thanks so much, I really appreciate it! Glad to hear you're staying on this thread. We need you!
Happy birthday to you (cluck-cluck-cluck)
Happy Birthday to you! (cluck-cluck-cluck)
Happy Birthday dear @chickmom3941 (cluck-cluck-cluck)
Happy birthday to you! (cluck-cluck-cluck)!

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