Any Home Bakers Here?

We don't really have an "Australian breakfast" as such, breakfast items in cafes might be tea and toast, muesli, fruit platters, croissants, cereal, all sorts of things.

Yes, an English breakfast is like in the photo. A fried, big cooked breakfast. Usually bacon (I don't like it I never have that) and eggs (done however you like, but often fried), sausages, baked beans, a grilled tomato and toast. Often these days they'll give you a hash brown as well (in Britain they might have chips with it. They might also smother it in tomato sauce :sick). They often serve it all day, because it's really a ridiculous amount of food for actual breakfast, it's better for brunch or lunch, really. :D (vegetarian version will usually have fried mushrooms in place of the meat)
Most of it looks good. Can't say I'd really want beans for breakfast, though. My favorites are biscuits & gravy with eggs, or hashbrown casserole with eggs. Pancakes and eggs are great, too. Good thing we have chickens to keep the eggs coming!
Ok, this is definitely not a 'baking' recipe but it was so good I want to share it. We were finally able to grow enough green tomatillos to make salsa verde with it. So good on enchiladas, breakfast burritos and nachos, now I wish I had planted more tomatillos!

1 lb. tomatillos, husked
1/2 C finely chopped onion
1 tsp. minced garlic
1 Serrano chile pepper, minced (I used a roasted poblano pepper instead)
2 Tab. chopped cilantro
1 Tab chopped oregano
1/2 - 1 tsp. ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 C water (this was way too much, next time I'll only use about 3/4 to 1 C water)

* Put all ingredients in a saucepan.
* Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until tomatillos are soft (approx. 10-15 minutes).
* Using a blender, carefully puree until smooth.
You can throw the first 4 ingredients under in the over under the broiler for a few mins and then straight into the blender with just a tad bit of water too.
That is how I make it. (With a couple serranos though;))
Here in the US breakfast is cosmopolitan and we call what we eat in the morning breakfast. Sometimes it is left over pizza from the night before...

I had toasted blue berry banana bread, Pecan granola cereal from costco, banana and coffee this morning.

I love leftover, cold pizza for breakfast!
Here in the US breakfast is cosmopolitan and we call what we eat in the morning breakfast. Sometimes it is left over pizza from the night before...
Yes, same here, breakfast can be anything. I don't usually eat breakfast, but when I'm hungry I like savoury things, not sweet things. I like toast with a sliver of pecorino on it. I also like porridge but I don't often have it, because I don't like eating first thing.
I'm a dedicated breakfast eater...drives DH nuts because he might not be hungry until 10'ish and likes us to eat together. I don't wait for him, I'll go straight for something to go with my morning coffee. :D
Still waiting for the new gauge for our pressure canner to arrive. I ordered one from ebay, and it should be here any day. There are lots of ripe tomatoes in the greenhouse waiting to be picked and processed!
You can pick, wash, quarter and freeze tomatoes until you have time or enough quantity to can. Thats what I do when I get 2 or 3 at a time.
Great idea, I've never thought of that! We do use the freezer when we have an abundance of other veggies, though. Every year we grow lots of bell peppers, and in the fall when we have hoards of them, we chop them, put in freezer bags, and freeze for use all winter long. This year we have so much zucchini that we shredded lots of it up and put in the freezer, also. I'll be able to make zucchini cake, bread, muffins, etc. all winter, as well. It's so nice to be able to freeze things so nothing goes to waste! :)
Great idea, I've never thought of that! We do use the freezer when we have an abundance of other veggies, though. Every year we grow lots of bell peppers, and in the fall when we have hoards of them, we chop them, put in freezer bags, and freeze for use all winter long. This year we have so much zucchini that we shredded lots of it up and put in the freezer, also. I'll be able to make zucchini cake, bread, muffins, etc. all winter, as well. It's so nice to be able to freeze things so nothing goes to waste! :)

didn't do but two tomato plant one sweet 100 and one beef steak type most go the chickens BF and I eat them but James will only eat tomatoes in Salsa

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