Any Home Bakers Here?

You could always use a small saw like this. Just keep it as one of your cooking utensils.

Yep, that's what I used last try :)

Are you cooking the pumpkin to eat, or for halloween decorations?

To make puree for baking:)

Dumb question, but, why not just stab it several times before baking. That's what we do to acorn squash and then we gut it after cooking.

Seems it would take hours to bake if whole.

If you do NOT "stab" around evenly around the pumpkin....the pumpkin may EXPLODE...or NOT cook evenly. Aria

Thought about microwave, but if it were to explode may have to buy a new appliance :oops: Wonder if there is a different flavor when it is roasted?
The Micro cooking of the whole Pumpkin works out fine. Have done
this for years. Original suggestion came from a friend experienced
Baker in Albany...years ago. It is a fine way and works out fine..and my Chickens are Happy with the results and I am happy with the results of the Pumpkin Cooked ready for baking. Aria
Discussions in the past about using fresh pumpkins made me decide to give it another try - last time had to get a handsaw out and burnt them in the baking :hit.

But, found some pie pumpkins this past weekend and gonna give it another try.
Any experienced advice would be greatly appreciated.....I have seen how to cut them easier than past attempt - looks like baking on foil covered pan and covered with foil at 350F for 1-1.5 hours is best? Some suggest microwave or slow cooker??
I cooked one in the oven a couple of weeks ago. It was a sweet pie pumpkin. 350 in the oven, cut in half and not pealed. Olive oil on the skin. On a foil lined baking sheet, skin side up. Since these are small pumpkins, it took closer to 40 minutes. You cook until it is fork tender. Don't get too caught up in cooking time. When it is done it is done LOL. Sometimes is takes longer and some times it is a shorter time.

It has to do with the pumpkin and the oven temps
I cooked one in the oven a couple of weeks ago. It was a sweet pie pumpkin. 350 in the oven, cut in half and not pealed. Olive oil on the skin. On a foil lined baking sheet, skin side up. Since these are small pumpkins, it took closer to 40 minutes. You cook until it is fork tender. Don't get too caught up in cooking time. When it is done it is done LOL. Sometimes is takes longer and some times it is a shorter time.

It has to do with the pumpkin and the oven temps
you can also microwave the pumpkin pie pumpkins. poke holes in with a sharp tool. and wrap in wet paper towel( doesn't need completely covered) cook 20 min on high. test with poker or fork. skin will peel right off. watch when pulling out very hot!
The Micro cooking of the whole Pumpkin works out fine.
I do that with butternuts that the chooks are getting.

Roasted is tasty, I roast pumpkin for pumpkin soup. If I was going to make puree, I'd probably do it in the pressure cooker.

To cut it you need a big, heavy, sharp knife. With a decent knife, it is easy, without it, it's a nightmare.
The Microwave works BEST for me. And if the pumpkin is small
I cut it in half and cook 15-20 minutes. When it is can check poke with a fork. It is easy. Try it. Aria
I got a pressure cooker this year, good ideal maybe
I do that with butternuts that the chooks are getting.

Roasted is tasty, I roast pumpkin for pumpkin soup. If I was going to make puree, I'd probably do it in the pressure cooker.

To cut it you need a big, heavy, sharp knife. With a decent knife, it is easy, without it, it's a nightmare.

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