Any Home Bakers Here?

@N F C @sunflour @rjohns39 thank you much. I think I just want to try a loaf of white bread. Or maybe some rolls. I saw a 5 ingredient recipe at the beginning of this thread I was thinking of trying. It doesn't matter she's a breadaholic. If it's warm, soft and tastes good with butter she will like it.

Sunflour my mom is a gifted baker like many on this thread. Everything she makes is beautiful and delicious. I have made bread with her many times and it's fine. On my own, It's not horrible but I wonder if I mix too much or I don't knead enough. Something. My bread ends up too dense or it doesn't rise as nicely at the baking stage. It's been so long since I tried I can't remember :gig
I have to figure it out though, I took my bread machine to goodwill when I went through a purge cycle. Biting my nails over that.
@N F C @sunflour @rjohns39 thank you much. I think I just want to try a loaf of white bread. Or maybe some rolls. I saw a 5 ingredient recipe at the beginning of this thread I was thinking of trying. It doesn't matter she's a breadaholic. If it's warm, soft and tastes good with butter she will like it.

Sunflour my mom is a gifted baker like many on this thread. Everything she makes is beautiful and delicious. I have made bread with her many times and it's fine. On my own, It's not horrible but I wonder if I mix too much or I don't knead enough. Something. My bread ends up too dense or it doesn't rise as nicely at the baking stage. It's been so long since I tried I can't remember :gig
I have to figure it out though, I took my bread machine to goodwill when I went through a purge cycle. Biting my nails over that.
The way to get better at bread baking is to bake more! You will be baking for your self and your Family. It will get better over time. It took years for me to start baking pretty bread. It always tastes good though!

King Arthur has online bread baking classes that can help:

Here in Davis, California the Co op has baking classes if you want a live instructor.

Keep baking and do not compare yours to you Mom's! One day you will get to the point where you will be impressed by what you will be baking
@N F C @sunflour @rjohns39 thank you much. I think I just want to try a loaf of white bread. Or maybe some rolls. I saw a 5 ingredient recipe at the beginning of this thread I was thinking of trying. It doesn't matter she's a breadaholic. If it's warm, soft and tastes good with butter she will like it.

Sunflour my mom is a gifted baker like many on this thread. Everything she makes is beautiful and delicious. I have made bread with her many times and it's fine. On my own, It's not horrible but I wonder if I mix too much or I don't knead enough. Something. My bread ends up too dense or it doesn't rise as nicely at the baking stage. It's been so long since I tried I can't remember :gig
I have to figure it out though, I took my bread machine to goodwill when I went through a purge cycle. Biting my nails over that.

Have you thought of doing rolls ahead and freeze?? I make wheat rolls and no one, even me can tell the difference between the fresh baked or defrosted ones ( as long as you use them within a month).

Sometimes - everything seems better when someone else cooks/bakes it - IMO we are often our own worst critics......and IMO it's the taste and not the appearance of a bread/roll that really counts. Looking forward to see what you come up with.

And BTW - we love pics :) , would prefer samples :D.

My bread maker was under an unaccessible cabinet for over 20 years when I rediscovered it, don't have remorse. I'm jealous of the great bakers here who can do it all without the "cheaters way".....I miss out on the skills to learn the feel Debby mentions.

Keep baking and do not compare yours to you Mom's! One day you will get to the point where you will be impressed by what you will be baking

:thumbsup...I have to keep telling myself this as well.

I agree with Ron @igorsMistress it takes practice is all. To me, a lot of bread baking has to do with the "feel" of the dough, your hands will know when things feel right. That's something you can't pick up just by reading a recipe, it takes practice. Keep at it and eventually it will all click!

Maybe my automatic addition is why my hands aren't as strong as they used to be :old.
Funny @sunflour trying to make us think this :old

I don't think using a bread machine is "cheating" my mind, it's just another way of making bread. And as long as you're putting all the ingredients together, shaping the dough, putting it on the table, etc. YOU are making bread (not the's just a tool).

But you're right about food tasting different when other prepare it. For me, my grandma was the very best baker ever and even when I make the same stuff she did, it's not the same. Guess memories add a lot of flavor.
Funny @sunflour trying to make us think this :old

I don't think using a bread machine is "cheating" my mind, it's just another way of making bread. And as long as you're putting all the ingredients together, shaping the dough, putting it on the table, etc. YOU are making bread (not the's just a tool).

But you're right about food tasting different when other prepare it. For me, my grandma was the very best baker ever and even when I make the same stuff she did, it's not the same. Guess memories add a lot of flavor.
I know what you mean. My mom was a great cook and made lots of really good food. She made the best potato salad I've ever eaten, but I never got her recipe (don't think she really had one). I often watched her cook, though, so I have a pretty good idea of how she made things, but they never taste quite as good when I make them!
The funny thing is that she never made bread from scratch. The closest we got to home made bread was when she bought frozen bread dough and baked it at home. So I've had to teach myself by trial and error how to make bread from scratch. I really enjoy it!
The way to get better at bread baking is to bake more! You will be baking for your self and your Family. It will get better over time. It took years for me to start baking pretty bread. It always tastes good though!

King Arthur has online bread baking classes that can help:

Here in Davis, California the Co op has baking classes if you want a live instructor.

Keep baking and do not compare yours to you Mom's! One day you will get to the point where you will be impressed by what you will be baking

Thank you so much for your encouragement :)
I'll get it eventually, just lack confidence lol. I need to stop whining and just do it ;)

I started my reply last night, but was sidetracked by the link, thanks again :D
I agree with Ron @igorsMistress it takes practice is all. To me, a lot of bread baking has to do with the "feel" of the dough, your hands will know when things feel right. That's something you can't pick up just by reading a recipe, it takes practice. Keep at it and eventually it will all click!

Thank you, you're right of course. I can make a meal out of what seems like an empty pantry because I always cook. If I don't practice I'll never get it.

I have work today and the grandkids tomorrow, but Sunday even hubs will be gone so I'm making my first attempt.
@igorsMistress Try the 1-hour French bread recipe that is in this thread. While it may not be the best bread out there, it is easy, fairly fool-proof and only makes 1 loaf. I find I need to bake it longer than the recipe says though. It is also good with Italian herbs and shredded cheese mixed in before baking.
Success will give you confidence to try again.
We have to remember also, that the ingredients that we have today are not the same as the ingredients that they used back then. There have been studies that show the vegetables that are commercially grown are lower in nutrients than the older varieties our parents had access to, same with wheat.
I want to try to grow some heritage wheat varieties for my own personal use. Just to see if there is a difference in taste.

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