Any Home Bakers Here?

I used this:

and liquid rennet.
I love homemade cheese. So far haven't had the courage to try swiss or cheddar. My gouda needs more work, Colby and mozzarella good. Pepper Jack needs half the peppers called for in the recipe. But good otherwise. Butter Kaise, well needs a lot of work.
You've made all those different kinds of cheese? How neat. I've never tried making cheese. Is it difficult to make and does it save a lot of money? We spend too much money on cheese, so it might be worth attempting if it's a lot cheaper to make than buy.
All the cheese making talk is really making me jealous.....just a small hint....I think it's safe to mail cheese for taste testing :cool:

I've been reading all day about making bread and my husband wants me to try a sandwich bread recipe I found on King Arthur. He even bought a metal loaf pan :love

I do have a question about kneading surfaces. My counter top is granite floor tiles. The surface is fairly smooth but it's very cold. Could that be a problem?

I have ceramic tile counters and a granite topped small table - have done some kneading by hand on both without an issue - Your hands are warm and you'll be placing it in a bowl to rise - If you have a warm spot in the kitchen or elsewhere, place it there during the rises.
You've made all those different kinds of cheese? How neat. I've never tried making cheese. Is it difficult to make and does it save a lot of money? We spend too much money on cheese, so it might be worth attempting if it's a lot cheaper to make than buy.

I don't know that it saves money, but tastes great and you know what's in it. Using wally world pricing, it looks to be about a wash. 2 gal of milk makes 2 pounds of cheese.
@igorsMistress I agree with @sunflour your dough should be fine to knead on the tile counter. Glass pans vs. metal pans I believe are a personal preference. I like metal myself.

King Arthur is a good place to find recipes and you can find a lot of helpful information there. If there is a 'blog' available for the recipe you're looking at, be sure to check it out. The blog will show things step-by-step with lots of pictures.
And just in case anyone was wondering...
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Enjoy the weekend everyone!
I read an article about that! Apparently our heaviest day is Monday because of the extra calories on the weekend. Our lightest day is Friday. The take away was to be more careful on weekends...but where is the fun in that?


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