Any Home Bakers Here?

I am making Sourdough English muffins.

I used a 3 inch biscuit cutter

English muffins risen.jpg

On the griddle

English muffins griddle browning.jpg

Almost ready-- 30 minutes on the griddle

English muffins griddle browning.jpg
Well, Quail season opens tomorrow. Just finished cleaning my 12 gauge. Also got my WMA permit today. I am all set for tomorrow mornings hunt. Last season I took 2 Quail.

I also have my deer hunt in October. Last year was a good deer hunt. Took a nice 2x3 buck. He was delicious.

Duck and goose opens in October also. Looking forward to it. Last year I took 8 geese and 1 duck.

If successful on tomorrow's hunt or throughout the season, I will post recipes.

Wish me luck!

Good Luck...I made Venison Stew today....delicious. Aria
Took a yellow butter cake mix making cupcakes said 24 I do jumbo
think more like 8 will post photo when done
I have an apple streusel in the oven. I also baked three loaves of bread along with the english muffins.

It has been quite a baking day!
Isn't venison stew the best? I have a recipe for it myself. How did you get the meat?
Husband Floyd and his friend Robbie hunt and Robbie owned acres
where Deer live. He has sold his house and property...but still has
permission to hunt ....NEAT. Robbie KNOWS how to prepare the meat. And that makes it taste so good. He divides: into stew meat ...steaks...sausage patties and he also makes jerky. Aria

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