Any Home Bakers Here?

Aria & BigBlueHen53 - your loaves of bread look delicious! Makes me feel like making some bread myself. Penny, your pizza looked delicious, as well.

So guys, yesterday we went shopping at Costco's. They were selling Roast Half Duck, 28 oz. packages with orange sauce for like $1.98 each! Well of course I grabbed a few, after verifying with a Costco employee that the price listed wasn't a misprint. The duck is fully cooked, and the instructions are to just bake in a shallow pan for 15-20 minutes. I did read a few reviews where people weren't really crazy about the orange sauce that comes with the duck. I was thinking of possibly making a glaze from our left-over Thanksgiving cranberry/orange sauce instead.
When I was a kid, my dad and brothers would go hunting, and I did NOT like eating duck. Too gamey for me, although I didn't like a lot of things when I was a kid that I like now. Also, the duck I bought at Costco is White Pekin, which I understand is a lot milder than wild duck. I'm beginning to wonder if I should have bought more of the duck, and if my son is heading to town today (where the Costco is), I may ask him to pick up some more at that great price. I hope we like the duck, cause I really don't know how it will turn out!

Nice job picking up the duck! I'm sure you'll like Duck. I sure do!

I'm actually a fan of the orange sauce. It tastes pretty good and adds a nice flavor to the duck.

Even my mom, who's not a fan of duck and goose, ate it all!

After you're done with the duck, you can make duck noodle soup out of the remains. It tastes pretty good!

If you need advice on cooking it, you can send me a message. I and others here who have cooked duck will help you out.


That's a great buy. The flavor of the duck will depend largely on it's diet and age. A pekin at 14 weeks or younger will be very tender and have a light flavor. Wild duck tends to have more of a fishy flavor.

That is very true. I might add that either way, if you cook a duck properly, the only difference is a very slight game taste. Duck and Goose have more fat than chicken. The fat needs to be rendered out for it to taste REALLY good.
Just about any recipe works. You do have to make sure to use it correctly. The dome preheats in the oven and the base goes in cold after the dough has finished the second rise.

Did you find the instructions that came with it? It has recipes
Yes, Ron all set. There is a small sheet with directions and Italian
Bread and Rye Bread....I checked Google and have all I need. Thanks again, Aria
Thank you! Gotta have those whole grains! With peanut butter, it's a complete protein. ;)
I usually use some whole wheat and other grains. But, this was
a gift and they like White Breads. My Sassafras will have lots of
stuff....since the bread is for me and I like you mix and combine
flours and seeds. Planning on trying the Sassafras today. And got
a recipe with Sourdough Starter. Keep you posted. Aria
Nice job picking up the duck! I'm sure you'll like Duck. I sure do!

I'm actually a fan of the orange sauce. It tastes pretty good and adds a nice flavor to the duck.

Even my mom, who's not a fan of duck and goose, ate it all!

After you're done with the duck, you can make duck noodle soup out of the remains. It tastes pretty good!

If you need advice on cooking it, you can send me a message. I and others here who have cooked duck will help you out.


Thanks, I appreciate that. Also, I like your idea about making duck noodle soup with the remains. Are the ingredients similar to what you would put in a chicken noodle soup?

The ducks I ate (and hated) as a kid were Mallards, I'm pretty sure. I don't remember if the taste was fishy or not, I just know I didn't like it! :sick
Thanks, I appreciate that. Also, I like your idea about making duck noodle soup with the remains. Are the ingredients similar to what you would put in a chicken noodle soup?

The ducks I ate (and hated) as a kid were Mallards, I'm pretty sure. I don't remember if the taste was fishy or not, I just know I didn't like it! :sick

I am actually in the process of revising my duck and Goose noodle soup recipe.

I took 2 mallards this season so far, one of Them I was not able to retrieve. That's another story, though. They taste a lot different than store-bought Ducks! Either way, from my experience, If you cook them the right way, the only difference is a slight game taste in the wild ducks.

Again, I'm posting my revised duck noodle soup recipe later on today.
Jareds Revised Duck or Goose Noodle Soup:


1 whole Duck or Goose (Wild or store bought. I use wild.)

Carrots, peeled and sliced

Water (Varies)

Chicken stock powder (Varies depending on water)

Noodles (Varies depending on other ingredients)

Salt and pepper to taste


Step 1, cook the duck or goose whole. Follow directions on the package if you have it.

Step 2, after enjoying the duck or goose, cut off remaining meat and boil the carcass in water for several hours. MEASURE how much water you use.

Step 3, After boiling several hours, add enough chicken stock powder per cup of water you used to boil the carcass. Add it into the same water used to boil the carcass.

Step 4, Remove carcass and strain water. Peel and chop carrots and put into the water and boil to cook them.

Step 5, as soon as carrots are cooked, add cooked meat removed in step 2 and noodles. Cook until noodles are done.


Note: Other vegetables can be added as desired. I just did only carrots because it was all I had at the time.

Any ideas on improving the recipe will be appreciated.

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