Any Home Bakers Here?

I’ve been wanting to try these! It’s from the Pioneer Woman.
Dinner Rolls
Prep: 4 Hours Level: Easy
Cook: 20 Minutes Serves: 24
* 4 cups Milk
* 1 cup Sugar
* 1 cup Vegetable Oil
* 9 cups Flour
* 2 packages (4 1/2 Tsp.) Active Dry Yeast
* 1 teaspoon (heaping) Baking Powder
* 1 teaspoon (scant) Baking Soda
* 2 Tablespoons Salt
Pour 4 cups of milk into a stock pot or Dutch oven. Add one cup of sugar and 1 cup of vegetable oil. Stir to combine. Now, turn the burner on medium to medium-low and “scald” the mixture (bring it to just before a boil.) Cool to lukewarm (between 90 and 110 degrees).

Before the mixture boils, turn off the heat. NOW. Very important stuff here: walk away. Walk away and allow this mixture to cool to warm/lukewarm. The mixture will need to be warm enough to be a hospitable environment for the yeast, but not so hot that it kills the yeast and makes it inactive. I don’t usually use a thermometer, but if you’d like to, a good temperature is between 90 and 110 degrees. I usually feel the side of the pan with the palm of my hand. If it’s hot at all, I wait another 20 minutes or so. The pan should feel comfortably warm.

When the mixture is the right temperature add in 4 cups of flour and 2 packages of (4-1/2 teaspoons) of active dry yeast. After the yeast and flour are nicely incorporated, add another 4 cups of flour. Stir together and allow to sit, covered with a tea towel or lid, for an hour. After about an hour it should have almost doubled in size. If it hasn’t changed much, put it in a warm (but turned off ) oven for 45 minutes or so. When it had risen sufficiently add 1 more cup of flour, 1 heaping teaspoon of baking powder, 1 scant teaspoon of baking soda and about 2 tablespoons of salt. Stir (or knead just a bit) until combined.

Butter 1 or 2 muffin pans. Form the rolls by pinching off a walnut sized piece of dough and rolling it into a little ball. Repeat and tuck three balls of dough into each buttered muffin cup. Continue until pan is full. Cover and allow to rise for about 1 to 2 hours.

Bake in a 400-degree oven until golden brown, about 17 to 20 minutes.
You know what? I’m leaving the thread for a few days. I HATE when people try to prove me wrong. I know for a fact that goose has a lot more fat content than duck and chicken. Here’s my proof.

View attachment 2412103

that is one cup of fat from one wild goose.

i’m sorry, but I cannot take people siding with each other trying to prove me wrong.

I’m leaving this thread for a few days.

I hope you don't think I'm trying to prove anything. As MY post mentioned I'm sure geese feeding in different areas on different types of feed would absolutely have a different fat content. The central flyway would have geese eating grains from the Canadian prairies down to the wintering grounds. Now I would assume those geese to be top notch flavor and a great fat ratio.
I know with ducks I shoot if feeding on wild rice or corn they are top notch.
I just got a late b-day present from my mom :D

Loaf pan.JPG

Every year for Christmas, I send her a box of homemade goodies and include pumpkin bread, her favorite. This will make a really pretty loaf of pumpkin bread! (I'm pretty sure that's what she has in mind.)
I just got a late b-day present from my mom :D

View attachment 2412677

Every year for Christmas, I send her a box of homemade goodies and include pumpkin bread, her favorite. This will make a really pretty loaf of pumpkin bread! (I'm pretty sure that's what she has in mind.)

How pretty think I will make a pumpkin casserole here also

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