Any Home Bakers Here?

Just take it out of the refrigerator and let it warm up, then feed it. I do that weekly.

No, I haven't.... Our kitchen is so not easy to do much in.

I am interested in a no kneed bread, but it seems that they all require putting them in the fridge and fridge space is at a premium...
(Current) entry 114 - Focaccia bread from @JaeG doesn't require kneading or refrigeration. Neither does the Focaccia entry 113 from @wyoDreamer. I've not yet tried these but they sound good.
I just think it won't have time to get ready for this weekend.

Hey, when you dry your starter, what temp do you dry at? My dehydrator has a thermostat so I can set at nearly anything.

It has to stay in the "zone of life" about 80F to 120F. Close to 120F is good
Just take it out of the refrigerator and let it warm up, then feed it. I do that weekly.
Yeah, mine is frozen and was a little cranky when I put it in there, so it's going to be quite offended when it warms back up. lol

That bread looks good, may try that one this weekend since it uses a packet of yeast which I do have, then do the one that uses the sourdough next weekend.
My dehydrator has a thermostat so I can set at nearly anything.

Have you ever double checked yours? I assumed mine was fine until I was incubating yogurt in it. It was about 15 degrees high and killed the culture. Mine is just a dial, so it should have dawned on me that it might be a bit off. 15 degrees drying fruit didn't matter, so I never knew.
Have you ever double checked yours? I assumed mine was fine until I was incubating yogurt in it. It was about 15 degrees high and killed the culture. Mine is just a dial, so it should have dawned on me that it might be a bit off. 15 degrees drying fruit didn't matter, so I never knew.
I have not, mine goes down to 105 though so I'll just set it at the lowest.
Your Igor is a funny guy :gig

Let me know how you like any different extracts or flavorings. I like the flexibility too, you can use about anything you have on hand. One day I want to use chopped dates as the dried fruit and maple syrup instead of the honey.
I think that might be pretty good with a little coconut in it.

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