Any Home Bakers Here?

Making sandwich bread tomorrow!

I like using the tangzhong technique to prolong the shelf life. @bruceha2000 , I don't think I ever answered your question about it. You basically take some of the flour for the bread, add some of the water (or water and milk in my case) and make a white roux. For those who don't know what that is, you basically cook it until it forms a slurry or paste. You add that into the rest of the dough ingredients and bake it like normal. It has an amazing texture and stays very moist and fresh!
Making sandwich bread tomorrow!

I like using the tangzhong technique to prolong the shelf life. @bruceha2000 , I don't think I ever answered your question about it. You basically take some of the flour for the bread, add some of the water (or water and milk in my case) and make a white roux. For those who don't know what that is, you basically cook it until it forms a slurry or paste. You add that into the rest of the dough ingredients and bake it like normal. It has an amazing texture and stays very moist and fresh!
I slice the bread and freeze it in zip lock bags. I use a knife to pop the slices apart and use them as needed. They can be thawed for 15 seconds or so in the microwave or put directly into the toaster.

It lasts for about two months like that and is always like fresh baked.
Am a yorkshire lass, but a dunt mek mi own yorkshire puds tha knowas. A use frozen n's. Mi mam thinks am lazy but it teks to much.

Good job we dont all talk or text broadly 😬.

Good yorkshire puds. Mine would probably turn out flat lol. Mi dad would always make them from scratch and put herbs n stuff in them.

This is York, maybe some would like the photos?
We dont live in york (wouldnt mind it) but we go there for days out sometimes.
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Tossing this out there as a shot in the dark --- several years back I had picked up a recipe for sugar cookies from another member of an online group. Eventually the group sort of drifted apart and I lost contact with this particular person and then I lost the recipe. What was so special about this particular recipe is it called for a good deal of sour cream in the recipe and the cookies were so light and soft, like little clouds in your mouth. I remember the "dough" was very sticky and a bit harder to work with than a typical cookie dough. She had said that the recipe was her grandmother's and she was, I believe, Scandinavian (?) - so perhaps that has something to do with the differences to traditional sugar cookies? Anyway - I have searched online and have not ever found anything close, but maybe someone here has a mysterious Scandinavian grandmother who has passed down a similar recipe?
I know your post is several years old but I have my grandson Crane’s sugar cookie recipe and it has sour cream in it and everyone who has ever tasted these cookies say they’re the best ever. Tomorrow I’ll dig it out and pay it here
Am a yorkshire lass, but a dunt mek mi own yorkshire puds tha knowas. A use frozen n's. Mi mam thinks am lazy but it teks to much.

Good job we dont all talk or text broadly 😬.

Good yorkshire puds. Mine would probably turn out flat lol. Mi dad would always make them from scratch and put herbs n stuff in them.

This is York, maybe some would like the photos?
We dont live in york (wouldnt mind it) but we go there for days out sometimes.
View attachment 2824164View attachment 2824165
I’ve been to London, but nowhere else in the UK. Would love to make it back there soon though!
The pud-spo comes from watching the Great British Baking Show.
As he was pulling them out of the oven, I was narrating,

“For his Yorkshire puddings, Cody is using eggs from his backyard flock & basil from his herb garden as a garnish.”

I used my best Mel G voice impression.
Am a yorkshire lass, but a dunt mek mi own yorkshire puds tha knowas. A use frozen n's. Mi mam thinks am lazy but it teks to much.

Good job we dont all talk or text broadly 😬.

Good yorkshire puds. Mine would probably turn out flat lol. Mi dad would always make them from scratch and put herbs n stuff in them.

This is York, maybe some would like the photos?
We dont live in york (wouldnt mind it) but we go there for days out sometimes.
View attachment 2824164View attachment 2824165

Thanks for sharing pictures, the church is gorgeous!
I know your post is several years old but I have my grandson Crane’s sugar cookie recipe and it has sour cream in it and everyone who has ever tasted these cookies say they’re the best ever. Tomorrow I’ll dig it out and pay it here
I am looking forward to the cookie recipe!
I slice the bread and freeze it in zip lock bags. I use a knife to pop the slices apart and use them as needed. They can be thawed for 15 seconds or so in the microwave or put directly into the toaster.

It lasts for about two months like that and is always like fresh baked.

If you put parchment paper between the slices it will come apart very easy.

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