Any Home Bakers Here?

Made this recipe today with success, didn't have time for a photo because it was GONE! Ate it paired with homemade chicken noodle soup. I had to knead by hand and it stayed slightly sticky so I had a hard time shaping the dough but it did stay slightly rounded. It was thicker than the 1/2 inch suggested but I left it in the oven a bit longer (about 5 to 10 min may do the trick) and it was thoroughly baked. Honestly, I would omit the rosemary to save on materials cost (considering my rosemary plant I got this year ended up dying on me sadly) and it would still taste so yummy!
Thanks for the recipe!
I will say...I do have a green thumb and I have NEVER been able to keep my Rosemary Plant over the Winter. ???? There must be something I am NOT doing correct. And I love it. Get the dry.
Rosemary is used as ground cover here in the Sacramento Valley. I have sage, thyme and oregano in the front yard. I do need to get another Rosemary plant.
Rosemary is used as ground cover here in the Sacramento Valley. I have sage, thyme and oregano in the front yard. I do need to get another Rosemary plant.
I have two Rosemary bushes that are probably 20 years old. I am amazed they survive here but they are growing in extremely Sandy soil. I’ve heard they will not tolerate wet feet over winter.

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