Any Home Bakers Here?

I’m so sorry. I know how you feel. I lost a St. Bernard at 10 years old. That’s ancient for that species. Losing a dog is very difficult. If you have a second dog, that dog may go through a mourning phase. May not be as active as normal. I’ve seen Buster do that after Lady Bird died.

Diamond has been looking for her mum. She was like Lola's shadow. Anywhere Lola went diamond was with her.
We had 4 dogs Molly (lab) who went first years ago now. Then Rolo (chihuahua) who went autumn 2019. And now Lola. Diamond has never been on her own before. She's lost bless her.
We still need to tell No1 son as he's not back from school yet 😔.
Thank you all.
Diamond has been looking for her mum. She was like Lola's shadow. Anywhere Lola went diamond was with her.
We had 4 dogs Molly (lab) who went first years ago now. Then Rolo (chihuahua) who went autumn 2019. And now Lola. Diamond has never been on her own before. She's lost bless her.
We still need to tell No1 son as he's not back from school yet 😔.
Thank you all.

If Diamond is having problems, let me know and I might be able to help. I have experience with dogs that go through this phase of mourning.

Best thing to do for right now is to give Diamond plenty of extra attention.
Wanted to share some baking here also.:):frow
I will title this,, "PEACH CAKE"
Wanted some dessert today,, and since there was nothing for the sweet tooth,, decided to bake a cake:drool:drool:drool
Going to post play by play for easy following.
Just started out the easiest way I could. I took out a Packet Cake,,, (yes @Floydie ,,, I stole your terminology. this side of the pond it is called Cake Mix.)
@Aria ,, :hugs I did not forget about you ether. I altered the recipe,,, and decided to make it in your style.. " HEALTHY" so the altered version of recipe is in this post,
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In a stand mixer, I used the liquid from below can of peaches. (14.5 OZ) Note; "NO SUGAR ADDED" 3 eggs,,, and above cake mix. Mixed it well until it was creamy texture. I used the dough hook. I did kick in the speed to medium, after initial mix at slow.
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Here are the baking directions from back of box.
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It calls for 1 cup of water, and 1/3 cup of oil. I SKIPPED USING THAT,,, and substituted with the peach juice instead.
Poured cake batter into a pan lined with parchment. There is no oil, butter, or other shortening,, so the cake would stick like HEAVEN to the pan.
My pan is 9 inch x 12 inch. 23 cm x 30 cm.
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Took the peach slices, and placed on top of dough batter.
I had some Streusel topping leftover from a previous yeast raised cake,, so decided to apply some on top.
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Baked a little longer than suggested on box. I baked @350°F for 35 minutes. After 28 minutes, cake was still a little blonde,, so kept in for the extra time,, until just gently tanned. 350°F = 177°C so 180°C is probably acceptable.
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Of course did not wait for cool-down. Well maybe 10 minutes, so I could lift out of pan, and place onto a cutting board.
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His and hers portions.. DW said it melted in her mouth. We both went for seconds:drool:drool:drool

Everything,,,, Start to Finish in under one hour :old :thumbsup
Thanks for the recipe!
Dutch Oven French Bread
Makes 1 boule


10 oz. warm (not HOT) water
1 1/2 t instant or active dry yeast (one packet)
2 C high gluten flour
4 T whole wheat flour
1/2 t kosher salt


Place water in a bowl and whisk yeast in, allowing it to dissolve.
Add flour on top of the water, and then follow with the salt. Stir until a dough is formed.
Transfer the dough to a surface and knead until completely smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes.
Using a non-stick spray, spray a bowl and place dough into the bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let dough rest for 30 minutes. Turn dough and then allow to rest until doubles in size, another 30 minutes. Proceed to shape dough and allow to proof again. Do not rush this step - allow the dough to rise.
While bread is proofing the final time, place dutch oven in oven and set temperature to 450 F. Once bread is proofed, bake at a 450 F for 25 minutes covered and then another 25 minutes with the lid off, until fully baked or reaches at least 190 F internal temperature and golden brown. Remove dutch oven lid about halfway through baking, to allow bread to get an even brown all throughout. Allow to cool before slicing.
A dutch oven will give you a crispy crust and a chewy inside, but if you don’t have one, try using a cast iron pan, a baking stone or a metal sheet tray
Thanks for the Recipe!
I made some coconut flour cookies to keep myself busy for a bit.

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