Any Home Bakers Here?

That is beautiful. I have seen professional chefs make small batches of mozz in even less time than that on tv, I think. It seems to take really hot water. I'd like to try it but I'm going to get some good sturdy gloves first, lol!
Made homemade pizza for dinner
Most likely Friday, I will be making FLAN for a weekend Fiesta here at the corral.
I never made it before,, except the Instant Jello variety. I would call that poor-mans flan, or desperation flan:old :gig

This is the recipe I will be going with. Already have all necessary ingredients on hand :highfive:

My question to anyone here that has experience with flan. :caf
I do like to vary recipes a little, to my liking. Was thinking of adding a jigger of Captain Morgan to the mix. I have done that to cakes that I baked previews times. It adds a nice hint of flavor:drool:drool The alcohol portion evaporates in the baking process,, so no one gets a buzz. :D Also thought of adding some corn starch to the mix. That would stiffen the final product. I of course will refrigerate for over a day. Then flip over onto a plate.
Any ideas ??
This is what I hoping to end up with. :drool:drool:drool
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I'm quoting my post because I'm updating my effort,, as a SUCCESS. :thumbsup
Here is play by play. The only things I changed from the recipe. I did add a couple jiggers of Captain Morgan,, and I added about one tablespoon of corn starch.
The browned caramelized sugar I poured onto bottom of bowl.

Baked in oven in a water bath. First set for 1 hour. I looked at it, and decided was not set all that firm,, so left in over for additional 20 minutes. Then turned oven off, and returned when all was cool.


This is how it looked when out of oven and cooled.

Was refrigerated until Fiesta time. I used a knife along edge to loosen from bowl. Then tipped over upside-down , and convinced to fall out

Yum Yum Yum :drool:drool:drool Everybody like it.
Egg tarts turned out well. Posting the recipe so I can screen shot it to keep for myself.

Egg tart. 7 eggs wisked. 700ml milk wisked into eggs, 1/4 cup of sugar wisked in eggs.

Nutmeg on top.

Bake 15 mins 200.C then 10 mins 180.C
Use what ever pastry you like to bake with.
Makes upto 3 tarts, or 2 large tarts and mini ones with the left over mixture.
Just to be sure, because I've never heard of this... 1/2 cup of dry, uncooked beans, like pinto beans. Plus salt. Plus water to head space line. Then process as you indicated.

Because, wow, this would be a fantastic thing for me.

Does this help at all with the gassy attribute of beans?
yup. A can of beans costs about the same as a pound of dry and you get 6 or 7 cans out of a pound of beans depending on the size of the bean. Doesn't change the gassy properties. Just makes it convenient to have beans ready to go.
So ... if I use wide-mouth quart-size jars, I would use a whole cup of beans? And I don't have to pre-soak or par-cook the beans. Wonderful. Thanks. I understand if I do quarts the timing may be different, but I'm sure I can find that info on Linda's pantry. Thank you so much!
I think cook time for quarts is 90 minutes, but look it up to be certain.

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