Any Home Bakers Here?

Hi everyone!

Yesterday was CHAOTIC. Grandparents were driving down from Spokane WA to look into moving in with us due to rising memory issues. They were opposed to moving in with us at first, but after an “event” yesterday, they both realized and admitted they need help and need to move in with us.

What is this “event?” Well, they took the wrong road at the VERY START of the drive, and we didn’t learn that they did until 40 minutes after they left, and it took them 13 HOURS to get here, as opposed to 7.5 hours, even though I gave them WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS of how to get here.

Grandma also forgot her MEDS, of all things, and we had to scramble to get info to the nearest pharmacy to get them for her. We got them in the end.

Grandpa also forgot what hotel he was staying at and how to get there, AFTER arriving.

I didn’t think their memory issues were THIS bad. Makes me feel a little sad for them.

They will NOT be driving themselves back to Spokane WA on Monday. I will drive them back myself for their safety and fly back Tuesday.

Going to get some sourdough ready for tomorrow.

It’s always hard to deal with this kinda thing. At least they are willing to acknowledge they need help. We’re only a year, maybe two out of being in this sort of situation with mom’s parents and it’s extremely unlikely they will except help willingly. My grandmother has completely refused to undergo any kind of Alzheimer’s screening. And unfortunately I doubt it will be more than another 10 years before we have to go through it with mom.
Hay y’all, please tell me my Barnavelder is infact a Barnavelder. Because the judge said she wasn’t but she has been since she was hatched. Please tell me her faults and how to fix them.
Why are you asking this in the Baker's thread. You should be asking it in the What Breed Or Gender is This? forum.

Made a BIG tiramisu for church tomorrow! My fingers are stained from the espresso :lau
Company coming today. I will be teaching a lady some basic cooking and baking skills. She currently depends on fast food, Door Dash and the like. Today we are starting with lasagna and a salad. I'm hoping to get together with her once a week. Next week ... bread? :eek: Maybe! Wish us luck! Y'all have a great day!

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