Any Home Bakers Here?

cavemanrich, Thank You or all the neat words. I find
taking 3 T of SDS and mixing it in a clean jar with
1/4 cup water and 1/2 cup of flour. STIR and leave that overnight to add to your recipe in the morning.
AND MIX AND BAKE. That is what I usually do. AND
if you are making a multigrain recipe you an use Rye
and whole wheat flour mix. I have learned it does not take a lot of sourdough to work for you. IF your
Sourdough is STRONG. That is what I did Today. AND I have two beautiful loaves. I have ordered a new battery for my Camera or I would post photos. This Bread Recipe: had 4 cups of water
I used ALL THE SDS that was in the clean jar and
reduced the water to 3 cups. It works everytime.


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