Any Home Bakers Here?

Way too hot to bake today. Too hot to cook. So dinner will be burgers on the grill. And salad. I try to have something homegrown in each meal, so the salad will have some green onions and cilantro.

Cilantro is growing wild all over my garden. I pulled up 6-7 two foot tall plants and was just going to chuck them in the compost. I saw my neighbor and asked if she liked fresh cilantro. She said yes, so I gave it to her.

I gotta pull up some more, chop it, and freeze it. But not today. I'm done for the day for working outside. Too hot!

This is the only way I could get a picture of this. This is 8mm footage from January 9, 1969. My father and my grandmother were making cookies.

There was audio on a cassette, but I lack the ability to sync it with the 8mm film.

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