Any Home Bakers Here?

Ron, can you post the link for the starter again, please?

It's a dry, powdered culture. I ordered the amount for 1 gallon of milk, because I make a gallon at a time. The first time, it was softer than I usually get, but Ron said that's normal. I saved some and made yogurt yesterday and it is the best I've had in a long time! I won't be buying yogurt again, if I can help it. The stuff is the store is quite inferior. Like store bought eggs.

What started this quest is I bought flavored yogurt by mistake. It isn't even yogurt! No cultures in it at ALL! Milk, sugar, pectin, and gelatin! :mad: At least I figured it out before I wasted the gallon of milk.

Hmmm... maybe I could send this info in to the local investigative news team...

I used to be able to get a 16 oz jar for about $5 at my local store. Can't find it anymore. LOVE that stuff in coffee! To me it tasted like a combination of molasses and black licorice. I LOVE black licorice! And it was a good source of iron.
The yogurt starter is from Amazon.,aps,162&sr=8-2

You can order a smaller size or the bigger size but make a smaller batch using less starter. Then save the extra starter in the freezer in case you need to start again.

The wonderful thing about starting this way is that you do not need to buy more starter in the future but start the next batch with some left over from the last batch.

I used to get black strap molasses from a co-op. I would buy a gallon of it! It is very good in bread for both the taste and the rise it gives the bread.


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