Any Home Bakers Here?


Pretty rise!
So I’m making some hoagie rolls and was thinking how I got started with baking. I now know what my issues where in school but I struggle reading. I don’t read to my kids, i know what a horrible mom. I tried but I run out of breath fast and can’t breathe right. Not only that but I stumble on a lot of words still. Especially if my husband is listening, I don’t wanna mess up. 🤦‍♀️ But I also struggled with math. Forget math all together. For the life of me I could not understand why 1/4 was smaller than 1/2. It wasn’t until 6th grade I started understanding math better. It wasn’t until I learned to cook that I figured out math. I found a love in baking after that. Baking had helped me understand math and even reading a tape measure. It wasn’t until this last year I learned I have dyslexia. And I only found out what it was because my second daughter has it. I kept saying how much she was like me. I have tried so hard to help her and it wasn’t until this move to a new town (we are in the country but new school district) that it came to light. Last school kept just saying she missed something but it was so much more than that. Now I CAN help her knowing she didn’t just miss something from 1st grade or even kindergarten. So, this summer she will be baking with me more and hopefully I can get her to read a recipe. I also have to keep checking what I’m reading and making sure I’m reading it right, so I will have to teach her to keep checking to make sure and if it doesn’t seem right, look again. My 4th girl is starting to show that she is like me as well, so now that I know, I can help her better to!

If it wasn’t for baking….I would be so worse off. What made you all start baking?
So I’m making some hoagie rolls and was thinking how I got started with baking. I now know what my issues where in school but I struggle reading. I don’t read to my kids, i know what a horrible mom. I tried but I run out of breath fast and can’t breathe right. Not only that but I stumble on a lot of words still. Especially if my husband is listening, I don’t wanna mess up. 🤦‍♀️ But I also struggled with math. Forget math all together. For the life of me I could not understand why 1/4 was smaller than 1/2. It wasn’t until 6th grade I started understanding math better. It wasn’t until I learned to cook that I figured out math. I found a love in baking after that. Baking had helped me understand math and even reading a tape measure. It wasn’t until this last year I learned I have dyslexia. And I only found out what it was because my second daughter has it. I kept saying how much she was like me. I have tried so hard to help her and it wasn’t until this move to a new town (we are in the country but new school district) that it came to light. Last school kept just saying she missed something but it was so much more than that. Now I CAN help her knowing she didn’t just miss something from 1st grade or even kindergarten. So, this summer she will be baking with me more and hopefully I can get her to read a recipe. I also have to keep checking what I’m reading and making sure I’m reading it right, so I will have to teach her to keep checking to make sure and if it doesn’t seem right, look again. My 4th girl is starting to show that she is like me as well, so now that I know, I can help her better to!

If it wasn’t for baking….I would be so worse off. What made you all start baking?
I started just for fun, but now it’s closer to a career + a coping mechanism :)
I started just for fun, but now it’s closer to a career + a coping mechanism :)
That would be cool to bake for a career. I’m so far from being able to do that. However I did bake someone a birthday cake and was paid for it. But it was so easy my kids could have done it. It was the Harry Potter cake they showed in the movie and described in the book. 😂

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