Any Home Bakers Here?

He and I actually live under the same roof, with my family. We both share the same mental illness. He’s older than me. I can definitely visit him, the hospital is only 40 minutes away.

It’s not just kidney stone, something else is way too high in his system, indicating that the kidneys are not functioning properly. I don’t remember what it’s called.
Oh, I'm glad you are physically near him, that helps. Will keep praying till we know he's okay. Praying for both of you. Praying for you to be at peace and be able to trust both God and the doctors, and praying that he will quickly be restored to health. ❤️
Its actually really easy to make in the oven or crockpot, it just takes time. Here is a good recipe Clotted Cream
So this is what my clotted cream looked like after cooking on low in the crock pot for 8 hours yesterday. Does this look right? Was surprised it got so browned. Chilled in fridge overnight, getting ready to separate it as directed. Next, making scones!

I have an update:

His kidneys are still not working properly, the level of what’s in his body is not going down. I’ll get the name of what it is in just a little bit.

The doctor said there is a very small chance that it can lead to renal failure. They are working hard on him.

Needless to say, I’m very scared for him.
:hugs ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
My dad came up today for his turkey hunt. I saw his headlights in the driveway at 5:41 am, and he texted me a picture of his turkey at 6:45 am! The scale said 26.8 lbs! I helped him butcher it, and since I hate to waste anything, I have the carcass to make stock, and some of the organs and skin and meat to try/for the dog. What we didn't save, is in front of the trail cam to see what comes in. So far, a raven has been enjoying it.

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