Any Home Bakers Here?

@ronott1, I followed your method of starting a batch of sourdough today, using only 1 Tbsp starter + 90g each of water and flour. The timing in your method calls for finishing the stretch-and-folds around 9 pm but I am not usually up that late. I did everything 2 hours earlier, starting around noon. Looking forward to baking in the morning instead of after dinner, as I've been doing.

I was surprised that a single Tbsp of starter could be so effective in raising the dough, but it did great and the dough has a wonderful elastic consistency!

Now what should I do with the huge amount of starter I have?!? 🤔
I'm looking for a way to give my peach cobbler a bit of a boost and I'm thinking of adding some kind of peach liqueur to the filling. I HATE artificial peach flavoring/peach candy flavor with a passion... does anyone have any recommendations for a liqueur or maybe schnapps that has more of a ripe fruit flavor? I use nutmeg in the topping and lots of really high fat butter with just a little cinnaon in the filling so that the peach flavor can really shine.
I have 2 recipes for Peach Cobbler that have alcohol in them - one uses rum and one uses bourbon. I found that I like Southern Comfort over the bourbon - but the flavors go well with peaches.

In fact, when I can Peaches I only use the nice slices for packing in the jars. Then I take all the little pieces and cook them down into a peach sauce in the leftover light syrup, add a little Southern Comfort and can it up as a Peach Comfort for topping on ice cream, filling for cup cakes and just snacking out of the jar.
@CountryCuratesWife: I made your chocolate chip pistachio scones today, they are delicious. My pistachios were roasted and salted, is that what you use? Also, your recipe did not call for an egg but I put one in. They came out great, thank you!
Thats wonderful!
I use roasted pistachios too, salted or unsalted.
The original recipe doesn't call for egg, but adding one won't hurt. My granny always adds egg and a little sour cream. :)

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