Any Home Bakers Here?

GUYS 🥰😍 Hims is just the cutest!
Does anyone here have a gas stovetop with an electric oven? What do you think of it?
I am pretty late to the party, but I have a gas stovetop with an electric oven. I love it - but ours is pretty fancy. Who needs their oven to talk to their phone, seriously?!?
The oven has so many settings: Bake, Convection Bake, High broil, Low Broil, Warm, Timed Bake, Proof, and Self Cleaning.
I have always preferred cooking on a gas stove. That is what I learned on. This one works well. Each one of the burners is a different size - so different amount of heat. I wish the hotter burners were in the back instead of the front though - I hate reaching over the boiling pot to stir the sauce on the simmer burner.
The oven works great now that I figured it out. I don't have any problem with things browning, but I have to remember to put them higher up in the oven. We had alot of frozen pizzas with soft bottomed crusts before I figured out that the rack needed to be above the center of the oven. Ours has a fan in the back wall that helps to maintain a constant temp throughout the oven - it does bake faster than my old oven did so I have to remember to check on stuff a couple minutes sooner than the directions say.
Jared, that is a cool experiment that you have going there.

About 10 or 15 years ago my sister got my dad a calender for Christmas where he would track the weather stats (temp, sun, wind) every day and then at the end of the year send the calender back to the group to add the local data to their database. He did that for 5 years and then they ended the project. I noticed today that he still tracks the daily temp on his calender
About 10 or 15 years ago my sister got my dad a calender for Christmas where he would track the weather stats (temp, sun, wind) every day and then at the end of the year send the calender back to the group to add the local data to their database. He did that for 5 years and then they ended the project.
What a cool gift. And cool that he helped out with the project. Too bad they ended it.

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