Any Home Bakers Here?

Concerning the public safety alert that I posted earlier, the culprits were caught, A FEW MILES FROM WHERE I WAS FISHING WHEN IT HAPPENED.

Everything is good now, but it’s scary to realize they were so close to me without me knowing.
I am happy to hear that you are safe!
Concerning the public safety alert that I posted earlier, the culprits were caught, A FEW MILES FROM WHERE I WAS FISHING WHEN IT HAPPENED.

Everything is good now, but it’s scary to realize they were so close to me without me knowing.
I am happy you all are safe.
I’m glad we are all safe too.

Anyway, I’m gonna have to do a lot of baking today. My mother, who usually does a lot of the baking, had to be rushed to the hospital at 6am this morning. We think it’s a gallstone.

I need to start making a meal plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today.
I hope she is ok!

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