Any Home Bakers Here?

I fear 5 strand is above my talents šŸ˜³
I seen a while ago on YouTube,, where a challah was made double decker.
Let me explain.
The first layer was a regular 3 strand braid. The second layer was same braid, but with thinner tubes. So,, the second layer was half the width of bottom layer.
Made an interesting shape when baked. :thumbsup
I am a visual person, I canā€™t imagine stuff like that unless I see it, strangely enough, I can turn a dice in my mind šŸ¤” but I canā€™t spell or memorize cards ( kind of difficult if playing cards and you forget which card has already been dealt šŸ˜³ worst is when I forget which other card player I am teamed up with šŸ™ˆ) I can calculate very fast, but just on paper šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø am kind of stressed out, have to do my tax return before my next operation, you can only do it online now ( I think itā€™s been like that for the last 4 years or so) I print out all the papers , fill them out and put the numbers in online, I am very worried when you no longer can get the forms šŸ˜¬ I canā€™t remember anything online and scrolling just doesnā€™t work for me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
Ok, I had an interesting experience with finding a recipe.

I was reading the book ā€œLittle Women,ā€ (Yes, I read that and several other classic books,) and they mentioned something called ā€œpickled limes.ā€

I thought it was interesting, so I did research on it. I found this recipe in the process.

I guess itā€™s worth a try. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll like it, though.

Anyway, Recipe is here if anyone is interested.
I usually make the dough im the morning, let rise 2 times during the day and put it in the fridge to proof in the afternoon until morning, sometimes the sourdough is so active I have to bake it in the evening šŸ˜“
since sourdough is a wild yeast, it often has a wide variation in timing between stages for sure!
I am a visual person, I canā€™t imagine stuff like that unless I see it, strangely enough, I can turn a dice in my mind šŸ¤” but I canā€™t spell or memorize cards ( kind of difficult if playing cards and you forget which card has already been dealt šŸ˜³ worst is when I forget which other card player I am teamed up with šŸ™ˆ) I can calculate very fast, but just on paper šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø am kind of stressed out, have to do my tax return before my next operation, you can only do it online now ( I think itā€™s been like that for the last 4 years or so) I print out all the papers , fill them out and put the numbers in online, I am very worried when you no longer can get the forms šŸ˜¬ I canā€™t remember anything online and scrolling just doesnā€™t work for me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
Can you take your paperwork to an accountant or other tax prep person and let them do it for you? That's what we've always done. Works for us.

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