Any Home Bakers Here?

I went on the website and found the lemon meringue pie recipe, I love lemon meringue ! I copied that and am going to try it out, does anyone know what I can use instead of sweetened condensed milk? Cream double?
From a taste of Home:

How to Make Sweetened Condensed Milk​

If you’ve run out of sweetened condensed milk, but have everything else your recipe calls for, there’s no need to head to the store. You can make a worthy substitute for condensed milk in a pinch.

Because it’s essentially a boiled-down version of milk, you can make homemade sweetened condensed milk.

Microwave sweetened condensed milk substitute​

To make condensed milk in the microwave, whisk 1/2 cup milk and 1/3 cup sugar together in a microwave-safe bowl, and then pop the bowl in the microwave to heat for one to two minutes at a time. Heat the mixture in intervals until it becomes bubbly with a bit of froth, then allow it to cool in the fridge.

With cooling time, it will thicken to a consistency similar to the canned version. This hack may not have the same caramelized flavor or richness, but it can certainly work if you’re in a bind and need a quick solution.

Stovetop sweetened condensed milk substitute​

You can make a sweetened condensed milk substitute on the stovetop as well. In a saucepan, whisk together 2 cups milk and 1 cup sugar. Heat the mixture on medium to allow the sugar to dissolve. Reduce the temperature just before the milk begins to boil, and then leave it to simmer on low.

Simmer the mixture until the milk reduces, about 35 minutes. Once reduced, allow the mixture to cool, then place it in the fridge to thicken.

Other Substitutes for Sweetened Condensed Milk​

Canned cream of coconut​

Cream of coconut is a great substitute for sweetened condensed milk, giving a hint of tropical flavor. It’s dairy-free and can be substituted cup for cup. The thick consistency of cream of coconut closely resembles sweetened condensed milk, allowing for similar richness in many recipes.

Coconut milk​

Simmering a can of full-fat coconut milk with 1/4 cup of sugar will result in another great dairy-free substitute for sweetened condensed milk. Whisk the coconut milk and sugar in a saucepan, bring the mixture to just below boiling and then allow the mixture to simmer for 30 minutes. Stir the mixture often until it thickens, and then allow it to cool.

This will result in a nice, creamy consistency with only a hint of coconut flavor. Get to know the difference between coconut cream versus coconut milk.

Evaporated milk​

Because sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk are very similar, evaporated milk can serve as a substitute for condensed milk. You won’t get the same sweet, caramelized flavor with it, but the consistency will be similar when using a cup-for-cup substitution. Just add a bit more sugar to your recipe to make up for the lack of sweetness, if desired.

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