Any writers out there?

Oncoming Storm

5 Years
Jun 3, 2019
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been writing stories that range from a gryphon living in a suburb getting help from a 10yo girl and her baby sister to save his land to Transformers to halo to horses to Pegasi. I’m interested to see what other chicken loving writers are thinking up.
I am as you are.... Been writing as long as I can remember. Drawing that long as well.
At first short stories.... Many about animals with their points of view at first... Then on to anecdotal stories about things I have seen or experienced.

I even wrote a a fairly long story about a Rock watching the world change and Morph.... I think I was about sixteen then.

I am almost 64 now and have a couple of manuscripts... and lots and lots of Fantasy with a science fiction twist.

But my passion is Science and Science fiction. I cannot share because its got to be copywrited...

It’s nice to know I’m not the only one out there. There’s nothing better than sitting there and creating your own little world on paper.
My husband and I write Bible studies but he's way better at finishing his works than I am. My gift is editing, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.:caf

His is research and .... well... I guess you could call it presentation, actually getting his completed thoughts down on paper. I tend to pick at the minutiae of the task, get bogged down and not finish. :he

So now we are collaborating. He writes, I edit and polish. Go, Team!
So far I have not found an editor.... they charge by the word.... I hear.

I am going to first run it by my son Who is very good at grammar and Continuity... Right now My Manuscript is 80,000 Words and I cant figure out how to end it.

If I go back I get drawn into the minutiae as well. Thats why I write in pen and ink and transcribe into the computer Completely as is Warts and all... Except really gross spellings or Character names....

My specialty is writing background creating scenes but not dialogue.... I am getting better but Its not what I would like it to be.

Always learning arent we...

Can you tell us what sort of thing you are writing, Perchie.Girl? Fiction, non-fiction? Romance, mystery, action, bio, etc...?
Can you tell us what sort of thing you are writing, Perchie.Girl? Fiction, non-fiction? Romance, mystery, action, bio, etc...?
I have several ideas for projects... Diffrent snapshots of scenes from life that I have seen.... and experienced.... I have enough of them to fill a small book of prose. Some just a paragraph.

Another is a series of stories I used to tell my son at bed time... so children.

Another is stories of the desert and my life in it... Vignettes really expressing my love of the desert.

I have Several short stories involving nature and survival... If I write a few more I can put together a book.

Lastly My book.
My Background is science and being a futurist, I was a manfuacturing engineer in my past life. My Dad was an Engineer and a Scientiest at heart. I could write Hard science fiction. About the nuts and bolts involved with getting ourselves out there. But my real love is Graphic Novels and pure enjoyment defined by a Whole theme... My characters in the book are evenly divided Human and Alien. And the adventure they have together.... So it would be classified as Science fiction/Fantasy.

Avatar would be such a Genera... not that I would compare mine to James Cameron... but I love the depth of his world creations and The characters.... His science isn't half bad either.


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