Baby Snake Picture


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Porter, Texas
Good Morning All -

I was hoping you could help me identify this baby snake I found this morning?

I live in SE Texas. Markings: Black, with a Yellowish/White dot on the head. Yellow Strips down the length of the snake and small Yellowish/White dots down it's body. I'm guessing it was about 12 inches (maybe more) long.

It appeared to have ate something because it's body was pretty plump.

My 4 month old box/mix found it this morning. It didn't appear to be aggressive, but then again it looked like it ate something waiting for the sun to warm it up.

I apologize for the pictures, but I have added them for visual assistance.

My concern is that it maybe posionous. If so, I'll have my eye out for it again. I hear that baby snakes can be more deadly than adult snakes.

If it is not, then live and let live. I don't know much about snakes... we hardly ever see any around here... I just want my dogs and my family to be safe.


If the head is triangluar in shape then its a bad snake. I know the snake people on here will hate this but I dispatch snakes near the house/chicken coop. We have a cat to kill mice and the snakes have lots of land to roam. They don't need to be near the chickens or the kids. Some bad snakes eat good snakes so I don't want any snakes drawing more snakes here. My husband has two huge black rat snakes that live in "his" garage. The garage isn't near the house. He lets them stay there to eat mice, birds and to keep me out of his tools since I won't go in the garage due to the snakes. Out in the pastures I leave snakes alone unless they have a triangle head. And every snake I have had hubby pick up and move from near the house has come back. We have an abundance of snakes here.
If you are having a snake issue, find someone that has King Snakes, specifically the ringed ones. Ask them for the snakes sheds and spread them around your coops and yard. These sheds deter the "bad snakes" and most snakes actually. There is a scent left on them similar to that of a coral snake....and other snakes don't want to mess with that. You don't need the actual snake...just their shed.
Looks like a nice fat garden snake like we have here in pa..offly thin one that just had a meal......
also here we have good snakes that eat bad ones..

Like black snakes and black racers are known to eat rattle snakes and copper heads here..

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It does look a lot like a garter snake (no guys, they aren't called "garden" snakes) except I have never seen one with the yellow dot on his head. Whatever it is, it is not venomous.
Cute little guy with his full tummy.
Actually, it has nothing to do with them smelling like coral snakes, it's because many types of kingsnake eat other snakes. That makes them a great resource, because they even eat poisonous snakes. Unfortunately, most people don't bother to figure out what kind of snake they have before they kill it, so they are just as likely to kill a good snake as a bad one.

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