Bald Neck - 10 Months Old


May 10, 2023
Hi! I don’t think this is necessarily an injury, but I’m not sure. Her neck has been bald for a couple of months now. No signs of mites or any other infestation, all of the hens get along super well and I don’t have any roosters. Is she just going through a molt? My Easter Egger also had the same thing happen with her beard, but that has grown back.

She seems really happy and comfortable, otherwise.


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Hi! I don’t think this is necessarily an injury, but I’m not sure. Her neck has been bald for a couple of months now. No signs of mites or any other infestation, all of the hens get along super well and I don’t have any roosters. Is she just going through a molt? My Easter Egger also had the same thing happen with her beard, but that has grown back.

She seems really happy and comfortable, otherwise.
I’m curious, did you ever figure this out? We have one similar. Only a bit worse. Same observations you had. No sign of mites, though we treated anyway, seems happy and unbothered. But the area just isn’t refeathering. If it is overgrooming by a flock mate, what do you do? Did yours finally refeather?
I’m curious, did you ever figure this out? We have one similar. Only a bit worse. Same observations you had. No sign of mites, though we treated anyway, seems happy and unbothered. But the area just isn’t refeathering. If it is overgrooming by a flock mate, what do you do? Did yours finally refeather?
Mine actually all started losing feathers like her. Looks like they’re working on growing them back, though. Haven’t quite figured out what happened but it looks like a molt.

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