Black Star hens attacking Cochins


9 Years
Feb 26, 2015
I tried a mixed flock of chicks last year. Five of the chicks grew into bullies. They have already killed one of the Cochins and seem determined to kill another. The aggression has spread to my older hens, who are now going after the remaining Cochins. I have separated the injured ones, nursed them back to health, only to have the same group go after them. I'm at my wits end. I have never had trouble with my flocks in the 50+ years of raising chickens. They have plenty of space and food, so I'm not sure what the problem is. The only thing that comes to mind is the breed. Black Star and Red Star hens. I want to give the troublemakers a new home, but I don't want them going into someone else's flock and creating chaos. Any suggestions are welcome.
If you're wanting to rehome them, fully disclose that you have aggression issues with them against docile breeds. If someone is willing to take them as their only birds, they might not have the same issue since they won't have docile birds to bully.

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