Blue kote... and how to get it off!!


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR
So I finally went to the feed store to get bluekote in attempts to get my hen pecked rooster neck feathers to grow back. I sprung for the fancy bottle with the sprayer on top. I can't imagine how you'd use the stuff without it... well, I captured the roo and started spraying. *squirt squirt squirt* Didn't look too bad, missed a spot *squirt* looks good... and then he shook his head!!! I became the purple dot monster...

Well, regular soap didn't get it off... but 95% ethanol did!!! Rubbing alchohol works too! Just don't get the cotton swab of the stuff too close to you nose! Yuck. I hope his feathers don't get picked on... I want him to at least have blue feathers rather than none!!!



Really, sorry Dot Monster,
That stuff doesn't come off easy.

one of the main ingredients is gentian violet, I should have warned you that it stains. If my memory serves, they use to use it for thrush in your mouth, somehow I recall that. Imagine walking around with a purple mouth. It took bleach and soap to get it off me and a scrub brush.
the stuff in the bottle has a swabber it is easier I think to use.. It also works for ear infections :O)
we use it on our brabants as they have CPL.. Good Stuff!!
Oh, I knew it would stain, I just trusted my rooster a bit more than I should have! Oh well. Maybe the swabber would have worked better but that would have taken so much longer to do... I did his whole neck and today he is a much bluer blue cochin mix!!!

Something odd on the side though I thought was the warning not to use on horses intended for consumption?
I have two shirts with purple stains from doctoring my injured chicks. How do we get it out of our clothes? It took a day or so to wear off my fingers....I didn''t know alchohol would get it out
i used that on my Polish rooster's head when my EE hen became fascinated with his top knot and kept pulling the feathers out. But it didn't stop her from still pulling the feathers out. She ended up with blue all around her mouth. We rehomed him before he was completely bald.

Have you tried Hot Pick? i ordered some but it came too late to try on my rooster.
I haven't tried hot pick. Maybe I need to get that. He'll be bald at this rate. I'm hoping his feathers come back. He is full of pin feathers. I wish he'd molt like the rest of them... slowly!!! One day he has all his feathers, the next he is a pin feather ball!

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