Brand new chicken owner and lover


In the Brooder
May 4, 2024
Hi, I have recently been given a rooster and a game him, and they have had their first batch of baby chickens. I am wanting to learn all I can about raising them correctly and just be able to start having my own fresh eggs currently I would like to know what the sexes are and how you tell the difference and any pointers that anybody can give me about what types of food to feed them and Care, I will truly appreciate I have 10 baby chicks.:love
Hi, I have recently been given a rooster and a game him, and they have had their first batch of baby chickens. I am wanting to learn all I can about raising them correctly and just be able to start having my own fresh eggs currently I would like to know what the sexes are and how you tell the difference and any pointers that anybody can give me about what types of food to feed them and Care, I will truly appreciate I have 10 baby chicks.:love
Hi there! Welcome to the chicken community! :lol:
Are there any specific questions that you have?
Hello and welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the broody hatch and chicks! Since you have a mixed flock... rooster, hen, chicks, you will want to feed either chick starter to all of them or an All Flock feed, something with higher protein but without all the calcium. Get some oyster shell for the egg layers and put it in a small tub next to the food or water. Hens will eat it as needed for egg laying and hard shells.

Our Learning Center has some great articles on all the aspects of keeping chickens...

And definitely ask as many questions as needed.

Welcome to our community!

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