breeding blue parrotlets


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2015
I have a pair of blue parrotlets
the female gets its fethers plucked from its head
why is it doing that?

because it is winter we have them inside in a massive cage and they hardly move around in it why?

How do you breed them?

how do you bond with them?

PS we have only had them for about 2 or 3 weeks and are first time parrotlets owners

is cocktiel mix seed, salad crest, raisins and egg food a good food mix?

Why do they eat all there sunflower seeds but leave there millet?
I have a pair of blue parrotlets
the female gets its fethers plucked from its head
why is it doing that? The male is doing the plucking. A bad habit and a common one. They may need calcium-cuttlebone works well. Check for mites.

because it is winter we have them inside in a massive cage and they hardly move around in it why? It takes time for them to get used to a new environment.

How do you breed them? A wooden budgie box with shavings on the bottom.

how do you bond with them? Unless hand fed they are unlikely to bond with people; especially when with a mate. My wife and I raised parrotletts for a number of years. The young we hand fed. A few made good pets, but most were aggressive and bitey.

PS we have only had them for about 2 or 3 weeks and are first time parrotlets owners

is cocktiel mix seed, salad crest, raisins and egg food a good food mix? Yes. Give as many different veggies and fruits as you can. Limit the egg food to a small amount unless they are feeding chicks.

Why do they eat all there sunflower seeds but leave there millet? Reduce slowly then eliminate the sunflower seed from their diet except as an occasional treat. Try to find cockatiel mix with no sunflower seed. Sunflower seed is not a healthy diet especially when the birds are eating it to the exclusion of healthier seed-like the millet. Try giving them spray millet. Feel free to PM if you have more questions.

My two Parrotlets last year. They are brother and sister.

Mine were hand fed, but I wasn't able to pick them up for about two weeks after weaning, so they were wild and mean. I had scars and bruises were they had bitten me. After doing some research, I trimmed both of their wings so they couldn't fly away from me when I tried to catch them. I started giving them treats whenever I took them out and handled them. I wore a glove for a few days so they couldn't bite me, and whenever they would bite me I would firmly tell them "No!"
Speak softly and sweetly to them. I try and imitate their whistle/chirp and they'll talk back to me.
When trying to handle them, cup them in your hand, coo to them, let them know you aren't going to hurt them. They need to trust you.
Each bird will have a different personality. My female, Emmie, is very docile by nature and more affectionate. Charlie, the male, is much more skiddish and feisty.
Mine will perch on my finger outside the cage, climb up my hair, sit on my shoulder and give me kisses. So yes, you can tame them, but it takes work and patience. :)

Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions. :)

Blessings -

~ Aspen
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is there any toys that they like cause mine are lazy

Parrotlets are quite intelligent for a small bird. They love things to chew and climb on. Toys that make noise, bells, etc. Lazy or bored? Parrot species need to have things to occupy their minds and bodies. A bored/lazy bird will not stay healthy.
I have a few pairs of parrotlets. They won't really bond with you since they are an established pair. I call them my little trex's because they are all bitey. Even my 2 pets that are tame bite me frequently. One much more than the other. My breeding pairs use a small parakeet sized nest box. Some of my breeding pairs never even touch their toys. I still have plenty of toys and things for them to do even if they don't utilize it. I feed higgins parakeet seed and feed chop everyday. My current chop has broccoli, kale, hard boiled eggs, lentils, and carrots in it. I mix this up and offer other things. Last week they got pasta, rice, bell peppers, egg, and chopped fine almonds. I only feed millet as treats.
I have a sun Parrot and she has been laying clutch one after another since Oct. there were three groups. First time had 6 eggs, second time was 4 eggs and now she is working on her 8th egg. I have no male bird and am desperate to get a couple of fertile eggs so that she can hatch a baby so as to get it out of her system. She wants to be a mother in the worst way. I have tried to get Sun Parrot eggs but was not successful, Now, I would hope for any small parrot type bird egg that is fertile so that she can hatch a baby for herself . I have added calcium to her diet because the vet said that so much laying could cause her much damage. It has gotten me worried, I love my little girl so. I am in North Arkansas , Please if you can help me , respond.
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I have a sun Parrot and she has been laying clutch one after another since Oct. there were three groups. First time had 6 eggs, second time was 4 eggs and now she is working on her 8th egg. I have no male bird and am desperate to get a couple of fertile eggs so that she can hatch a baby so as to get it out of her system. She wants to be a mother in the worst way. I have tried to get Sun Parrot eggs but was not successful, Now, I would hope for any small parrot type bird egg that is fertile so that she can hatch a baby for herself . I have added calcium to her diet because the vet said that so much laying could cause her much damage. It has gotten me worried, I love my little girl so. I am in North Arkansas , Please if you can help me , respond.

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I think it will be pretty hard to find someone that will give you any eggs, have you thought about buying fake eggs for her to sit on so she stops laying?

something like that maybe

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