Bumblefoot After Care


Dec 21, 2021
I brought WeeWee to the vet a while back for bumblefoot in its early stage. He looked at it and told me that it wasn't going to come out. Gave me some anti-inflammatory pills and said to put a boot on her foot for a couple months. Well after a few days I noticed the boot just irritated her foot and took it off. Considering the vet said nothing was going to come out and reading somewhere that sometimes the hen's body will heal itself, I thought maybe I was over analyzing the situation and left her foot alone for a couple weeks.

Then it got worse and the scab was much bigger. So I soaked her in Epsom salt and dawn dish soap, put peroxide and prid salve on and wrapped her up. Kept her inside during the day and let her roost with her sisters at night. I did this for 3 weeks.

Yesterday was the big day....removing the bumble 😳. My first time. Soaked her in Epsom salt for over an hour to get her good and relaxed. Im confused as to why it was just a big lump of hardened puss. I think maybe the salve drew it all out?

Now im wondering if I should take her to the vet (NOT the guy vet who sent me home) to be sewn up and put on antibiotics because the hole is enormous and the tissue looks unhealthy to me. OR is it safe to just keep cleaning her foot, pack it with neosporin and change her wrap daily til she heals.???


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A lil more info...
She's eating normal. Never limped before or after removal. She's a tough girl!


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Took her to the vet. He said we did a really good job on her foot and he gave her doxycycline antibiotic 50mg 1xday and meloxicam 3mg 1/2 pill 1xday for pain and inflammation. No stitches were necessary. Going to the vet and paying those high prices are a pain in the wallet but I like to look at it as I just paid for some college education.

I hope this thread is helpful to anyone looking for some extra info.

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