BYC Member Interview - Liz Birdlover


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013
@Liz Birdlover

Come say hello to @Liz Birdlover who has been a member since January 2018 and comes to us from Delaware.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
I've always loved animals. It runs in the family. We had big dogs, I played with neighbor's cats, & my dad & I rescued many turtles off of roadways. When I was 3 yrs old I shared my scrambled eggs with the wild birds, and my love of birds began. I really enjoyed seeing Cardinals & Goldfinches. I had a sweet blue Parakeet at age 5. I saw my first chickens and roosters up close on a school field trip to a farm at age 6. I fed them clover & chickweed right from my hand. I had Cockatiels & ran a small parrot rescue in my 20's & 30's, plus I volunteered at Tri State Bird Rescue for wild birds where I learned quite a bit about nursing birds back to health & handfeeding. Funny how people find out you run a small rescue out of your home...then suddenly all sorts of critters show up at your doorstep. I've cared for & found homes for Lizards, Guinea Pigs, Turtles, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, etc. I added Homing & Fancy Pigeons in 2000, had 3 Pigeon lofts. I learned how to stitch up pigeons when Hawks attacked & made splints for broken legs. I learned quite a bit from a man known as Dr. Pigeon, Muard Naugle. He lived in Pennsylvania but pigeon fanciers around the world called this man & he graciously helped them over the phone. My adventure with chickens began when I finally relocated to an area where I could have them, 2015.

2. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
It's hard to say what aspects of poultry I enjoy most, because I truly love everything about it. From building coops & then making improvements, raising adorable chicks, checking my sweet hens & huggable roosters over, & fussing over them on my lap, picking them fresh chickweed, hanging a fresh cabbage. Even what most consider to be chores, are just outdoor, active fun to me. I've often said I'd rather scoop poop than socialize or go to some boring dinner party, and I mean it! I love the company of my flock.

3. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
Every single one of them have unique personalities. I am blessed to have wonderful, affectionate, Roosters & Hens.
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4. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
So many funny stories, but the very 1st funny thing would have to be what my very 1st rooster, Rocky, a Barred Rock, would do, and still does. All of my other Roos are very sweet, but he's always been a feisty one. He tolerates me when I'm walking around doing chores, but he really does not like the sight of feet or legs walking around. If anyone else was within spurring distance, he'd run up & surprise them from behind. He liked to spur the back of the calf, hard enough to get attention, but not break skin. I've always managed to see him coming, turn around quick to face him, which made him suddenly change direction & look at something else "No, I wasn't headed in your direction at all" & he'd put on the innocent face, act like he's pecking around at some grass but at the same time checking out what I'm doing with a sneaky stink eye expression. He is King of stink eye, btw! If I resume gardening or sweeping a broom, he resumes trying to sneak up behind me. It really is a funny game we play. But...if it's anyone else, he is not playful, he just puts it in high gear & gives a good swift kick, whether you see him coming or not. As big as he is, that boy can move fast! When the person he spurred yelled "ouch", Rocky would actually laugh loud like a human, "Ha, Ha, Ha!" as he strutted away! When he struts, his large tail actually bounces with each step. Everyone is amazed at his ornery human-like laugh & he still does it for me a few times a week, usually right as I drop something, or if I trip...& he makes me laugh when he does it.

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5. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
I have Guineas, Cockatiels, Ring Neck Doves, Homing Pigeons, Fantail Pigeons & a Canary.
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6. Anything you'd like to add?
I just appreciate how chickens have enriched my life. Also, I am blessed to have found this awesome site, to share chicken stories with poutry lovers, coop ideas, humor, get advice & offer help if I can. I really enjoy being here & I learn so much. 🐔 ❤️

@Liz Birdlover

For more information about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:

I thoroughly loved your interview, and what a perfect user name for you!

I am now a big fan because of your Rocky the rooster saga. So many people would have culled him for his behavior or rehomed him, but you and Rocky have learned to co-exist. I admire that so much (as the owner of a rooster who most people would have gotten rid of years ago).

Thanks for sharing amazing photos and for being such a great critter caretaker. It's good to meet you!

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