Chick in brooder has sores from other chick pecking at it


9 Years
May 2, 2010
Hi, I'm new to this forum. Just picked up 6 chicks (2 Golden Sex Links, 2 Americauna, 2 Buff Orpington) a few days ago and have them in a brooder (medium sized wooden box). I am totally new to the chicken world. All seems to be going well, except I noticed one of the Buff's has some sores from other chicks pecking at it (mostly a Golden Sex Link picking on it, even though it is a bit smaller). How/do I treat it? Any advice? Do I separate them? I'm setting up a larger brooder today in hopes that'll help...

im pretty new as well but this site has helped me loads so ill se if i can give back. firstly i woud sugest seperating her if you have the equipment to do it properly. i have heard that putting vics on the wounds will discourage the others from continueing to peck at it, theres another product i cant something i think, that some folks swear by. maybe some electrolytes in the water and something with a bit more protien couldnt hurt either...all my little ones LOVE hard boiled egg yolk. yogurt is good too. hope this helps, and that maybe someone with a bit more experience can get on and either yay or nay any of my suggestions.

some pics would definatly help if possible
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I'm new too and FAR from an expert, but my thought is that I would separate the picked on one, but throw a buddy or two in (ones that don't pick on her obviously), so she won't be lonely. Good luck!
Cover the sores with Blu Kote. I think you can get it at most vet supply stores. Wear gloves when you spray it. Also, you can keep the chick away from the others while it heals.
Thanks everyone for the input. I separated the chick with the sores and put vaseline and eventually bag balm on the sores (per feed store recommendation, and that's what I had on hand). I also played with providing some water with vinegart or electrolytes. But after playing with chick arrangements for a day, the real issue was the one aggressive chick; she started seriously pecking at other chicks after I removed the one with the sores. So now the aggressive chick is separated, and the rest are all getting along fine. And surprisingly, the aggressive chick seems to be the least troubled at being alone (she can still see the other chicks).

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