Chicks acting weird in new brooder


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2015
i just moved our 7 chicks into a larger brooder made from a giant Rubbermaid crate. Their old one was clear plastic. This one is gray with a black lid for te floor. They all started scratching and pecking the black like crazy when I put them in there. They are acting weird and frantic. Should I put them back in the old brooder? Will they calm down? I'm really worried. Could they hurt their beaks?
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I had the same issue. I'm a newbie at this and noticed my chicks were pecking at each other. I moved the 5 chicks in a big dog crate and they started pecking the bottom and the metal lock. I sprinkled more wood chips on the floor and sprinkled some food on the floor so they at least no what they are lining for. Aim the light so half is in front and the back is dim. Put the water and food in the back. They will go to the heat as needed. They will stop pecking to try and break out soon. Also take them out and let them free range with supervision. Hawks will come out of nowhere. I would say they are just checking out their new home. Keep up the good work!
@BarrettG thanks for the encouragement! I just love these little ladies and want to make sure I'm not doing anything that could harm them :)

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