chicks scratching and pecking bedding


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2020
Coastal NC
Hey yall
I was just reading in " Storeys " chicken raising book that when chicks scratch and peck looking for food in the bedding this means they are overcrowded, cant get to the food source and are bored. Further, leads to disease because they end up getting coccidiosis.
I thought it was good they were scratching and looking for food in the pine shaving bedding, but upon reading this im now concerned they shouldn't be...?
Thank you for any shared experience
Further, leads to disease because they end up getting coccidiosis.
I thought it was good they were scratching and looking for food in the pine shaving bedding, but upon reading this im now concerned they shouldn't be...?
Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

As stated, chicks scratch and it's normal. :thumbsup

Poo in the water and wet shavings can lead to coccidiosis. BUT if you keep your shaving dry and water poo free... coccidiosis should not become an issue. Coccidia BTW, are in every single chicken poo and become an issue when too many (sporulated ocysts) are ingested... often in warm, humid places like that of a brooder. Over crowding certainly makes it harder for keepers to avoid conditions conducive to coccidia...

If your chicks aren't under quarantine for Marek's vaccine or the like.. bring in a shovel or dish full of dirt.. grass, roots and all (chemical free only). They will play king of the mountain after they predator shrill at it for a moment. And eventually dirt bathe... also get a natural source of grit, AND build up some immunity to the things in your soil before going out full time.

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