Day 21 7 hatched chicks, several more eggs, bad smell


15 Years
Mar 15, 2009
We're on day 21 of our very first hatch in an incubator. I've got seven chicks out, 1 more has pipped, and several eggs with no signs of hatching left. This morning I noticed a faint odor when I got close to the incubator. Nothing horrible, but definitely a little stink beginning to brew. Before I locked them down, all were alive and moving with the exception of one that I could see veins and a dark figure but no actual movement. I noticed that one or more of the newborn chicks has pooped a might be that...

Everything I've read says NOT TO OPEN THE INCUBATOR. The first chick out pipped on day 18 has been in there for 1 1/2 days now so I'm going to need to move him to a brooder soon. Should I open the incubator, remove the chicks, get the eggshells out and check that one possibly dead egg or just wait it out?

I was also told to mist the black copper marans eggs with warm water to help them hatch because of the tough shell but I'm afraid to open the incubator....

Any thoughts?
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Also What type of bator do you have? If it is a Brinsea, the pop the top, scoop out the babies, grab the old eggs, Mist your Marans if you want to, and put the lid back on. Just do it quickly.. Any other I would wait till the pipper has popped out.
Thanks. I actually just read that before I posted. So, it should be fine then. So what do you think about removing that early little guy? Tonight will be 48 hours for him. Some people who have purchased hatching eggs from me say that the black copper marans don't come out until day 25! I want to wait on them, but I know these guys that came on time can't stay in there that long. Can't I quickly open the incubator up and get them out?
I have the Hova Bator Genesis 1588 so the whole top has to come off. But the temp comes back up in minutes. Humdiity not so fast. The pipper is actually zipping but I'm worried. Everybody else took a long time to pip then zipped out pretty fast. He's just got membrane left, not shell, but has been that way for several hours. Still moving though.
I open mine about every 12 hours to remove the hatched ones. I do it fast, & mist with warm water every time. I get excellent hatches, but I also have a Sportsman 1502. I imagine that helps too. You should remove the 1 1/2 day old to a brooder pen. This is my way, & my opinion. Others may say different, but it works for me! Good luck with your hatch!
I took the incubator into the bathroom with shower going full blast. My husband and I opened it up and got everybody out super fast. Pipper seems to be having an easier time with misted shell. Humidity still hight. Temp. went down to 97 but should rise quickly. Thanks for the help!
Okay, pipper never made it out on his own. He got the shell off and even a slit through the membrane, got a leg up and a few feathers of a wing out but nothing else. I'd misted him like 5 times so membrane appeared wet. He was still constantly trying to get out but making no progress. Loud peeping. Another pipper quit long ago. So, I took him in his egg out and looked closely. His beak appeared to be stuck in the membrane. I wasn 't gonna help honest! I KNOW not to help the weak ones! But this guy just wasn't going to give up and it was torturing me. It's been 24 hours of STUCK in a halfway open shell. When I got him out his neck and one leg were twisted and I thought, "Oh crud! I shoulda left him to die!" But it straightened up and he seems just as weak as the first chicks that came on time did-who are now perfect. So he's in there, but the humidity is super high. I dipped his beak in some probios (hoe that wasn't a mistake) He's not drying and is shaking. Should I take him out to dry under a brooder light or keep him in there?

If he lives he'll stay in my daughter's bantam coop of pets.

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