Dill's Giant Atlantic pumpkin diary

I don't know much about pumpkin varieties. Are there still old large varieties that are OP? I would still be tempted to attempt one of the hybrids but I love an experiment. Of course time and space is a factor.
The Dill's Giant Atlantic monsters are being propagated from seeds saved from the monster pumpkins. As you can see the people growing those pumpkins put a high price on their produced seeds.

Pumpkins #1 and #3 blossoms were hand pollinated with pollen from male Big Moose blossoms. I cannot guarantee what blossoms other than those 2 were pollinated by.

I am tempted to save some seeds from #1 just to see what they make. I have some seeds on the way from Wallace's Whoppers.
Good Morning R2elk,
I was wondering if you prune your pumpkin vines after they have set fruit? I never have done it but was thinking of doing it next season.
I do prune vines to keep them from going where I don't want them. The first year I only grew pie pumpkins. I did not prune vines that year. I harvested a total of 9 pumpkins.

The next year I did prune vines. That year I harvested 34 pumpkins from the same number of plants.

Now to be sure I put them where I can find them next April.

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