Do you name your chickens?

Do you name your chickens?

  • Yes

    Votes: 173 81.2%
  • No

    Votes: 12 5.6%
  • Only my favorites

    Votes: 28 13.1%

  • Total voters
But in short yes I do, I name all of them. Even chicks I’m not keeping- all of them have names and a few of them respond to their names
I like Yeti and Biscotti 😍. I also name all of mine, even those I know Im not keeping. Pretty much from 1-2 weeks each chick generally has a name. Recently, I've been naming each “clutch” of chicks after an obscure theme. I consider a clutch any group of chicks that I hatch and/or buy but essentially are similar age and grow up together. Even if I don’t have a theme, each name has a story. Although occasionally Hubs names a chicken and breaks all the naming rules, haha.

My hens are:
Maleficent & Morticia “Morty” the SLWs
Wren McCormack the RIR (all movie themes).
Specs the SS, Willow the LO, & Chicory the Rhode Island Blue (named based on their colors)
Sigmund “Siggy” the Blue Rock (movie)
Charcoal “Coal” the mix rooster (Xmas theme)
Ash the mix hen- (should have a Xmas theme name but Hubs named her. It works because her and Coal are the only remaining chickens from the Xmas Clutch.

The next clutch hatched on Hubs 10 year sobriety anniversary so he wanted to name them after drinking. This started out as a huge clutch so naming wasn’t easy but the remaining ones are: Flip Cup the BCM roo, Brandy Alexander the mix hen, Killian the RIR, Grey Goose the lavender Wyandotte, and Fosters the Australorp.

The next clutch I got on the weekend of the Kentucky Derby & Cinco de Mayo. So there’s Derby the EE, Molé the chocolate Orp, and Lucy (Hubs named 🤷‍♀️).

Hatched on our shared birthday is Stevie Nicks the mix pullet, Peanut Butter “PB” the Barnevelder named for her unending poopy butt as a chick and the fact that I was already calling her “The PB chick” from the time she was a few days old, and Citronella the mix rooster (Hubs named).

The youngest clutch I have includes 3 “sub-clutches”. One group is of mostly Birlefelders is Marbles, Tic Tac Toe, Miss Mary Mack, and Jump Rope. Then I had a group of mixes named for the movie Billy Madison. Triscuit & O’Doyle are the two remaining. The final group was named after famous/infamous fictional teacher/mentors. Miyagi & Garrison “Garri” are the two remaining pullets.

I have 12 eggs in the incubator. I’m already brainstorming Thanksgiving themed names because that’s when I started of the incubator.
I like Yeti and Biscotti 😍. I also name all of mine, even those I know Im not keeping. Pretty much from 1-2 weeks each chick generally has a name. Recently, I've been naming each “clutch” of chicks after an obscure theme. I consider a clutch any group of chicks that I hatch and/or buy but essentially are similar age and grow up together. Even if I don’t have a theme, each name has a story. Although occasionally Hubs names a chicken and breaks all the naming rules, haha.

My hens are:
Maleficent & Morticia “Morty” the SLWs
Wren McCormack the RIR (all movie themes).
Specs the SS, Willow the LO, & Chicory the Rhode Island Blue (named based on their colors)
Sigmund “Siggy” the Blue Rock (movie)
Charcoal “Coal” the mix rooster (Xmas theme)
Ash the mix hen- (should have a Xmas theme name but Hubs named her. It works because her and Coal are the only remaining chickens from the Xmas Clutch.

The next clutch hatched on Hubs 10 year sobriety anniversary so he wanted to name them after drinking. This started out as a huge clutch so naming wasn’t easy but the remaining ones are: Flip Cup the BCM roo, Brandy Alexander the mix hen, Killian the RIR, Grey Goose the lavender Wyandotte, and Fosters the Australorp.

The next clutch I got on the weekend of the Kentucky Derby & Cinco de Mayo. So there’s Derby the EE, Molé the chocolate Orp, and Lucy (Hubs named 🤷‍♀️).

Hatched on our shared birthday is Stevie Nicks the mix pullet, Peanut Butter “PB” the Barnevelder named for her unending poopy butt as a chick and the fact that I was already calling her “The PB chick” from the time she was a few days old, and Citronella the mix rooster (Hubs named).

The youngest clutch I have includes 3 “sub-clutches”. One group is of mostly Birlefelders is Marbles, Tic Tac Toe, Miss Mary Mack, and Jump Rope. Then I had a group of mixes named for the movie Billy Madison. Triscuit & O’Doyle are the two remaining. The final group was named after famous/infamous fictional teacher/mentors. Miyagi & Garrison “Garri” are the two remaining pullets.

I have 12 eggs in the incubator. I’m already brainstorming Thanksgiving themed names because that’s when I started of the incubator.
Yeti was.. pretty easy to name 😂 when I got Biscotti I was listening to “Scotty doesn’t know” and wanted to name him Scotty but that was too human and I was also eating biscoff cookies so I put them together and remembered “Biscotti” is a thing and named him that all so I can call him “Scotti” 😂
I always name my chickens! I have 14 Blossom, Jessie, lily, Marigold, hope, Daffy, Amelia, Royal, Almanzo, Leia, tilda, Belle, Evelyn and Josephine I was wondering if other people name their chickens?
I absolutely name my chickens: Sweetie, Sugar, Joy, Precious, Leann, Goldie and Danielle.
In the attack 3 days ago, by (I think), packing dogs, I lost Precious and Leann! Sugar was badly injured. This is my first time for this type of incident, and it has really hurt my heart, because they're not only great laying hens, but my pet babies! Sugar, my Wyandotte was badly injured by the neighbor's dog, a small Schnauzer, and two of my Golden Sex Links (Red & White Rhode Island cross) are now missing. I guess they're not going to return. At first I held out hope that they were simply fearful, and were hiding, but now I'm assuming they're gone for good. I still plan to obtain 2 Rock Barrds and 2 Easter Eggers for next Spring, which means in February of next year, I'll get these baby chicks. I'm a first time Chicken mommy and wouldn't trade it for the world. (I've already been a human mommy, and even with all the work, there's still less drama being a chicken mommy...)


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I like Yeti and Biscotti 😍. I also name all of mine, even those I know Im not keeping. Pretty much from 1-2 weeks each chick generally has a name. Recently, I've been naming each “clutch” of chicks after an obscure theme. I consider a clutch any group of chicks that I hatch and/or buy but essentially are similar age and grow up together. Even if I don’t have a theme, each name has a story. Although occasionally Hubs names a chicken and breaks all the naming rules, haha.

My hens are:
Maleficent & Morticia “Morty” the SLWs
Wren McCormack the RIR (all movie themes).
Specs the SS, Willow the LO, & Chicory the Rhode Island Blue (named based on their colors)
Sigmund “Siggy” the Blue Rock (movie)
Charcoal “Coal” the mix rooster (Xmas theme)
Ash the mix hen- (should have a Xmas theme name but Hubs named her. It works because her and Coal are the only remaining chickens from the Xmas Clutch.

The next clutch hatched on Hubs 10 year sobriety anniversary so he wanted to name them after drinking. This started out as a huge clutch so naming wasn’t easy but the remaining ones are: Flip Cup the BCM roo, Brandy Alexander the mix hen, Killian the RIR, Grey Goose the lavender Wyandotte, and Fosters the Australorp.

The next clutch I got on the weekend of the Kentucky Derby & Cinco de Mayo. So there’s Derby the EE, Molé the chocolate Orp, and Lucy (Hubs named 🤷‍♀️).

Hatched on our shared birthday is Stevie Nicks the mix pullet, Peanut Butter “PB” the Barnevelder named for her unending poopy butt as a chick and the fact that I was already calling her “The PB chick” from the time she was a few days old, and Citronella the mix rooster (Hubs named).

The youngest clutch I have includes 3 “sub-clutches”. One group is of mostly Birlefelders is Marbles, Tic Tac Toe, Miss Mary Mack, and Jump Rope. Then I had a group of mixes named for the movie Billy Madison. Triscuit & O’Doyle are the two remaining. The final group was named after famous/infamous fictional teacher/mentors. Miyagi & Garrison “Garri” are the two remaining pullets.

I have 12 eggs in the incubator. I’m already brainstorming Thanksgiving themed names because that’s when I started of the incubator.
Oh please, please can I give you some ideas? Thanksgiving? How about:
Cranberry, Salada, (salad in Spanish) Saucy, Drumstick, Jello, Shortcake, Pepper, Salty, Crumbles, Stuffing?
I absolutely name my chickens: Sweetie, Sugar, Joy, Precious, Leann, Goldie and Danielle.
In the attack 3 days ago, by (I think), packing dogs, I lost Precious and Leann! Sugar was badly injured. This is my first time for this type of incident, and it has really hurt my heart, because they're not only great laying hens, but my pet babies! Sugar, my Wyandotte was badly injured by the neighbor's dog, a small Schnauzer, and two of my Golden Sex Links (Red & White Rhode Island cross) are now missing. I guess they're not going to return. At first I held out hope that they were simply fearful, and were hiding, but now I'm assuming they're gone for good. I still plan to obtain 2 Rock Barrds and 2 Easter Eggers for next Spring, which means in February of next year, I'll get these baby chicks. I'm a first time Chicken mommy and wouldn't trade it for the world. (I've already been a human mommy, and even with all the work, there's still less drama being a chicken mommy...)
No kidding! Chicken mommies have a LOT more work. Mother to 4, grandmother to 18, and great grams to 11.
YES, Chickens are more work (& worrisome). 😲😱
yes we name each and every one of our 20 chickens and there names are hopeful, Nancy, Theodora, vanilla bean, paddy, lavender, faithful, blueberry, chubby dubby, ocean, mako storm, rainbow Einstein, link (as in link from the game legends of Zelda), black tornado, chines, mystery, peace, lighting bacon, buff muscles and shadow puff.
Yeti was.. pretty easy to name 😂 when I got Biscotti I was listening to “Scotty doesn’t know” and wanted to name him Scotty but that was too human and I was also eating biscoff cookies so I put them together and remembered “Biscotti” is a thing and named him that all so I can call him “Scotti” 😂
Someone else likes Biscoff cookies... :cool:
yes we name each and every one of our 20 chickens and there names are hopeful, Nancy, Theodora, vanilla bean, paddy, lavender, faithful, blueberry, chubby dubby, ocean, mako storm, rainbow Einstein, link (as in link from the game legends of Zelda), black tornado, chines, mystery, peace, lighting bacon, buff muscles and shadow puff.
Rainbow Einstein, Lightning Bacon, and Buff Muscles! :lau

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