Does Winter Rye work for fodder?


6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
I've looked and looked but cannot find any local merchant that sells wheat.

I ended up buying winter rye for .79 per lb. and am attempting to sprout it for fodder.

I realized after I bought it that it's meant to be planted outside in the fall in New England.

Any thoughts on my chance of success?

I ordered 10 lbs of wheat online for $20. But think I could buy it for less if I found the right feed store.
I have found that anything you can get to sprout works. I have used annual rye and found it to be the best "sprouter" for me. I have also used oats, barley (which is a tad expensive and I wont use again) and have occasionally thrown in BOSS and other bird seed that was hanging around.

Good luck! love growing fodder!
I was thinking of using winter rye also, and I think someone replied and said that they thought rye was not good for chickens..... maybe even poisonous?
Geez, I hope it's not poisonous!! I'll have to search around to see if I can find anything.

In the meantime, I started a tray of seeds after soaking/rinsing them overnight. I came up with a pretty good tray stacking method built with chafing tray racks $3 each and foil trays $1.29 each. I have it in my laundry sink right now and it fits perfectly. there's no natural light in there though, so I'm not sure if that will adversely affect the sprouting.
My grains have just begun to sprout and I've noticed little spots of white fluffy mold. Does that mean the whole thing should be thrown out or can it still be saved if I improve air circulation?
The mold has disappeared now that I took the wet paper towels off the top. I guess that step isn't necessary. I'm trying it without the paper towels on my next tray.

Thanks for your response.

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