Duck questions

Pampered chicken girl

Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
Hi everyone, today I ordered 5 ducklings, this is my first time owning ducks so I have a few questions.
1. Once they are off starter I want to transition them to nutrena all flock, how to a supplement calcium for the laying hens?

2. Do they need a niacin supplement for their whole lives on the nutrena?

I'm sure I'll have more questions pop into my head, TIA!
Well Congratulations always so exciting to get those little peppers in the mail. What breed or breeds did you order?
You can start them right off on all flock crumble I would get Nutritional yeast and add it to their feed 1 Tablespoon to each cup of feed until at least 10-12 weeks old this is when they are doing the most growing. After that it depends on the breed Pekins seem to need niacin the most and longest many use it their entire lives to help with leg health and strength. I don't have Pekins and I give it to my flock every other day, they are all adults. As for extra calcium for layers begin putting out Oyster shell around 18 weeks of age close to where you feed them the females will eat it as they need it.
Well Congratulations always so exciting to get those little peppers in the mail. What breed or breeds did you order?
You can start them right off on all flock crumble I would get Nutritional yeast and add it to their feed 1 Tablespoon to each cup of feed until at least 10-12 weeks old this is when they are doing the most growing. After that it depends on the breed Pekins seem to need niacin the most and longest many use it their entire lives to help with leg health and strength. I don't have Pekins and I give it to my flock every other day, they are all adults. As for extra calcium for layers begin putting out Oyster shell around 18 weeks of age close to where you feed them the females will eat it as they need it.
Thank you! We got cayuga, welsh harlequin, magpie, white creasted, and Appleyard.

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