Dumped Muscovies


Crossing the Road
Nov 8, 2021
Okay, please do correct me if I'm wrong, but muscovies are not a native species to the UK, right?
This is the strong impression I've gotten from Google.

So there are 4 muscovy drakes at my local lake, one of which especially concerns me. Is this angel wing?

They are quite friendly, they ate from my hands without hesitation and seemed very hungry.
They are new arrivals here, as of this summer. I'm 99% certain they must be dumped.

I'd like to help them, or at least help the poor boy with his wing issue, perhaps I can persuade my family to let me bring two of the boys home and find them help.
But this is unlikely so I might post online and try to get them help this way.

Please send your thoughts and knowledge, I can't stop thinking about these sweet boys
They are not native they have been dumped. Poor things. Any rescues around your area?

I am thinking the wing could be an injury since most of the wing is laying normally. The feathers sticking out might could be trimmed.

I hate it so bad when ducks are dumped and most of the time it's drakes. :(
They are not native they have been dumped. Poor things. Any rescues around your area?

I am thinking the wing could be an injury since most of the wing is laying normally. The feathers sticking out might could be trimmed.

I hate it so bad when ducks are dumped and most of the time it's drakes. :(
Yeah this is what I figured, I'm going to talk to my family but at absolute most I'd be able to take 2, probably not even that.
I will reach out to some people around here but last time I tried that for the poor dumped pekin, no one would help.

I'll do my best and keep feeding them.
They are not native they have been dumped. Poor things. Any rescues around your area?

I am thinking the wing could be an injury since most of the wing is laying normally. The feathers sticking out might could be trimmed.

I hate it so bad when ducks are dumped and most of the time it's drakes. :(
Do you think the injury will permanently prevent him from flying?
Since it looks like most of his wing is in good shape he may be able to still fly. Hard to say.

His wing feathers are looking pretty ratty so he maybe getting ready to molt it's getting close to that time of year when my Muscovy begin.

They really need to go to a good home where they can be fed and kept safe.
I'm thinking that I won't be allowed to bring them home, based on my parents initial indifferent reaction... but I will try to persuade them.
Can't stop thinking about these sweet boys, I think they could make wonderful pets for some lucky person, they were all so tame. Although unfortunately the boy with the wing injury, who I have named Ollie for easy reference, is the least confident of the bunch.

If I can't persuade my folks to let me get him, or any of them, I'll be sure to make an online advert/Facebook post and hopefully I can find someone to help.

I'll be heading down to the lake very soon with some more food for them, hopefully they can fill up on proper food before the locals start offering bread and other junk.
They are so comfortable with humans it must mean whoever had them must have been friendly towards them. Or you'd think they would be terrified of you. Why someone would dump them? I had 4 Muscovy drakes at one time and it is a challenge for sure the boys had their own space with their own girls this way there wasn't any fighting. But if there are females in the equation and they are not separated there will be chasing and fighting. Or that is how it was here. @ruthhope has Muscovy drakes and hers live peaceably with each other with No females in the mix.
This makes me so angry!!! I really don't know why people would just dump animals. GRRRR!!!!! :mad:

They're quiet, just sneak them in. ;) Your girls might not approve though... :lau OR, you'll get some mule babies! :D

Let us know how it goes.
As in the USA, the UK now has feral populations of muscovy. Some were decimated by avian 'flu last year -- both directly by infection, and indirectly by the Min of Agriculture culling infected groups of muscovy.

Here in Forida, feral muscovy do get quite tame walking round neighborhoods and begging for food. Some eat out of the hands of people who regularly feed them. That said I do believe that yours are dumped. It would be kindest to capture them and find them new homes. If you take any home, they will need to be isolated from your own ducks for 28 days

I hope you are successful rescuing and rehoming these muscovy. Sending cyber hugs and good wishes

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