Essential oils in coop to deter pests

Sep 2, 2022
Central Alabama
I wasn't sure where to post this, but figured might fall under coop maintenance. I've been spraying an "all natural" flea repellent in the coop to deter flies (after changing out shavings). I've looked at the ingredient list and it contains just essential oils (peppermint, clove, cinnamon,cedar, rosemary) and eugenol (which I read comes from cloves). It's been cost effective as most essential oils are expensive. I figure the use of essential oils around chickens is probably a new thing so not much safety information around. But I wanted to check and see if anyone knew of reasons not to spray this in corners of the coop and on the floor. It seems safe, but I realize just because a product is all natural doesn't mean it's safe. Thanks for any input!
There’s actually quite a bit of info around about EOs and chickens, but I didn’t see anything about safety either. People use herbs in nest boxes and on the coop floors, EO’s are concentrated forms so it’s likely ok. My concern would be the cedar as an irritant. I remember reading that it’s the dust from the cedar that causes the issue though, so if it doesn’t seem to bother them I’d keep using what works.
There’s actually quite a bit of info around about EOs and chickens, but I didn’t see anything about safety either. People use herbs in nest boxes and on the coop floors, EO’s are concentrated forms so it’s likely ok. My concern would be the cedar as an irritant. I remember reading that it’s the dust from the cedar that causes the issue though, so if it doesn’t seem to bother them I’d keep using what works.
Thank you! So far there're been no issues. Plus it smells good, and seems to repel flies (at least for a small while). But I just started thinking it would be wise to ask if anyone knew of safety info. I'll keep on using unless I hear otherwise.
Have you looked into elemental sulfur to deter pests? I use it for bad spider mite infestations on plants and there really is nothing else like it, I would imagine people might be dubious if they haven't seen it in action.
No I have not, but will look into it. We live in a humid, warm climate and lots of flies, bugs already appearing in and around coop despite the time of year. Thank you!
Personally? EOs and birds don't mix. Their lungs are far more sensitive than ours and it can cause long term irritation. Any company that claims their's is safe around animals are only in it for the money and is probably a Multi Level Marketing company that sell on pseudoscience.
Thank you for the info. My concern was that I had heard their lungs are more sensitive, so I want to avoid anything harmful. This product is not meant for chickens. It is meant to be sprayed directly onto dogs. I will back off with using it and look into other options!

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