Excuse me a minute everyone while I recover from the heart attack my dad caused me. He did something this morning without telling me and left me to find it on my own. He decided it was time Poppet be allowed to free range unsupervised :eek:. I just went out to give everyone a treat and take a few pictures and I find the coop wide open and no Poppet. WHERE IS MY LITTLE SILKIE!! I start looking and calling for her, nothing. When I go past the horses I see a group dustbathing but no poppet. Go to the hay no Poppet. I make a entire sweep of the yard and end back up in front of the horses looking in their stalls afraid to find a trampled body. Said group of hens are still dustbathing and I hear her calls. I then take a closer look, in the middle of the pile is my pipsqueak happily dustbathing with the big girls. I had to pick her up to check for injuries, after all she is a spitfire and has always tried to pick fights with the girls when I am around. She is perfectly fine and while I was out there freezing no fights, none, zilch. I am giving her about another hour and she is getting put up. I just cannot leave her out to free range all day, I can't. Right now she has been out since about 8:30.

In her mind, Poppet believes she is one of those. She is my feathered Chihuahua, bigger and badder then she truly is. I've heard of little dog syndrome, Poppet has little chicken syndrome.
Does she carry four 50 caliber machine guns under her wings too? Or does she just think she does? :lau
You are welcome to come on up here and spend the winter 😊 it’s lovely on the trees, sparkly in the sunlight. Once you have admired it you can start shovelling it 🥰

Come on up!
I would love to! But I have become a ninny… I’m too afraid to fly… and do not like long road trips 🤦🏼‍♀️
Guess I’m stuck here 🙏🏻 for snow😄

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