Fed up

Tonight I grabbed Eli-too as she flew up onto the fence and hauled her butt off to be incarcerated in Hen House A.

Butterscotch didn’t even try to fly the coop! Smart bird…

so happy to know I'm not the only one that fully explains to the hens why I'm doing something and then have to talk about it some more and even justify it and continue to cluck on about it while I tidy up or whatever. awww, Love the chickens! 🐔 :love
so happy to know I'm not the only one that fully explains to the hens why I'm doing something and then have to talk about it some more and even justify it and continue to cluck on about it while I tidy up or whatever. awww, Love the chickens! 🐔 :love
Most of us here do that! :lau I've been known to tell them to do something about it rather than look to me when someone is yelling for higher authority to oust an occupant from the desired nesting location so the yeller can lay their own egg there. The yeller looks at me a moment, then starts yelling again.
Shep is stylish today! And Liara kept trying to sneak out but settled in for some scritches.
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I hard boiled 21 eggs! For hubby's lunches and maybe some for my breakfast tomorrow.
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Then I fried up another 6 with hashbrowns and bacon for dinner tonight. 😀
I had a heck of a time peeling them so the girls got wet shells with bits of egg stuck to them.
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I cleaned the leftover rabbit bits out and threw them in dad's woodstove. Smelled like delicious bbq after a while. 😬
I used to have trouble peeling hard boiled eggs. Here is the best trick I found which works even with fresh eggs. First roll the egg 5 seconds on the counter. Then knock and crack the top end, and peel just a bit where there is an air bubble. Then the magic is to use a tea spoon, slide it from the air bubble right underneath the shell, and use it to peel off the shell. It just comes off almost whole. It's life changing.

You can see why we call Merle the little devil. She is quite demoniac today.
Checking on the silkies, Fluffy checking out the nest box, Marty and Teddy hanging out.
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The rest are hanging out all over the barn making their usual mess, strewing straw everywhere.
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And loooks like snow squalls at my place - I put blankets on the horses today
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I'm enjoying this morning's warmth....and keeping an eye out for the fox as I saw him last night and again this morning. Coop was closed both times. Tomorrow through the weekend: rain, sleet, snow in the forecast. Starlings are back and I heard Sandhill cranes last night.

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