And then there were 9.

Yesterday Betsy darted out of the coop at closing time. Waaayyyy out. Couldn't find her. Left it open for a while longer. 2 of the ladies went back out and loitered some more. Went back out an hour later. Saw her, she split again. This time I was able to follow...sort of. She went to ground, I found her, she split again. I couldn't find her. Went back for a wrap and flashlight as it was getting dark dark. Still couldn't find her. Finally closed the coop and sat out in the dark a while longer listening. Nothing. Slim chance of her showing up this morning (with the fox around and the 30F overnight temps, doubtful). Still nothing.

5-6 weeks, taken today.
Back row: Jane, Daisy, Kate, Blurr
Front row: Focus, Hetty, Rose, Violet, Hyacinth.
Us hoomans need credit too! We have to brave the parking lots of Walmart, just to shop for thermometers !
I hear you on that one. I park way at the far end and walk a good walk just so I don’t have to deal with parking close to the store,

Shop tax
Ruth the little pecker
And then there were 9.

Yesterday Betsy darted out of the coop at closing time. Waaayyyy out. Couldn't find her. Left it open for a while longer. 2 of the ladies went back out and loitered some more. Went back out an hour later. Saw her, she split again. This time I was able to follow...sort of. She went to ground, I found her, she split again. I couldn't find her. Went back for a wrap and flashlight as it was getting dark dark. Still couldn't find her. Finally closed the coop and sat out in the dark a while longer listening. Nothing. Slim chance of her showing up this morning (with the fox around and the 30F overnight temps, doubtful). Still nothing.

5-6 weeks, taken today.View attachment 3787986Back row: Jane, Daisy, Kate, Blurr
Front row: Focus, Hetty, Rose, Violet, Hyacinth.
Oh no! Silly chooks - they are so much trouble and stress at times 😳😟
My poor chooks have had a not so good living condition forever. I hate to admit it, but it was way less than ideal. Mom and I have been saying how we are going to fix it and build them a roosting bar, but we never have. They have been sleeping on this wooden box that is COVERED in poop.

Yesterday Mom and I spent the whole day taking that box apart and we finally built them a roosting ladder.

Them sleeping on poop is awful. I owe them an okay roosting situation for how good of birds they are. (Not perfect because Bolt decides to eat masks while standing on a four foot long rat snake- geez she is kinda dumb.)

This is the before- I know- it’s really awful. No wonder why BBQ’s bumblefoot kept coming back. They would sleep on top of it and it was always wet and caked in poop.

This is after. I am still going to add one more roost bar, but for now it will do. I was the one who screwed in all in place. I did most of it.
Opal jumped up on her own. OMG- you can see broody Willow all poofed up!

This is all of the hens. Pastel was in timeout in a small TSC coop because he attacked my foot about five times… He is so sweet 😅

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