Frozen treats that chickens love!!


Near the clouds⛅
Jan 20, 2024
The Woods AK
Hi all!! There are two surprising treats that my chickens adore!🐓🐓
1. Frozen rice🤣! I stuffed some cooked white rice in a plastic tupperware and ended up not wanting it. I put it out in my chickens feed bowel over night and it froze and they LOVED it!!! They were going crazy! So if your flock's bored that's an awesome treat!
2. Frozen canned pumpkin. I put a can of pumpkin out for the ladies and they turned their noses up at it! But after it froze solid they spent all day enjoying it! So that's another great treat for your flock. I'd post pics but they've devoured it already🤣. So if you are looking to treat the ladies then this is for you!!!
The same reasons frozen food isn't good for our digestion plus complications as to whether the frozen food is directed to the crop or straight to the proventriculus. Granted it won't kill them but food at ambient temperature is a better option.
We drink water to keep cool because we sweat and sweating helps transfer heat to the environment. Chickens don't sweat. They don't have sweat glands.
For thousands of years we have drunk water at whatever temperature it happens to be at. In hot countries before freezers and ice boxes became common people drank hot/warm drinks as well as straight water. It's the water not that temperature that's important. While cool or cold water may be pleasant to drink, it gains heat at such a fast rate once in the body that it only takes a few seconds for it to reach the same temperature as our internal organs.
Chickens keep cool by adjusting their feathering to so they can maximise air flow next to their skin and by losing heat through their combs and wattles primarlly. Once the ambient temperature reaches the same temperature as their core body temperature (41C) they can no longer transfer heat to their environment and they die.
The way to keep chickens cool is to provide shade or use some other means to lower the ambient temperature. Ingesting cold foods/water doesn't do anything to help the chicken keep cool. It may feel pleasant for them and us to drink cool water but with regard to losing body heat it doesn't help.
We drink water to keep cool because we sweat and sweating helps transfer heat to the environment. Chickens don't sweat. They don't have sweat glands.
For thousands of years we have drunk water at whatever temperature it happens to be at. In hot countries before freezers and ice boxes became common people drank hot/warm drinks as well as straight water. It's the water not that temperature that's important. While cool or cold water may be pleasant to drink, it gains heat at such a fast rate once in the body that it only takes a few seconds for it to reach the same temperature as our internal organs.
Chickens keep cool by adjusting their feathering to so they can maximise air flow next to their skin and by losing heat through their combs and wattles primarlly. Once the ambient temperature reaches the same temperature as their core body temperature (41C) they can no longer transfer heat to their environment and they die.
The way to keep chickens cool is to provide shade or use some other means to lower the ambient temperature. Ingesting cold foods/water doesn't do anything to help the chicken keep cool. It may feel pleasant for them and us to drink cool water but with regard to losing body heat it doesn't help.
Holy cow! Alright! Sorry I didnt mean for my response to come across at debating. Thanks for the info! Hmm thats super interesting!

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