Furaltadone and Ronidazole pills for Bantams?


5 Years
Aug 31, 2014
Hi folks,

I was wondering if it was acceptable/safe to use Aviomed 4-in-1 pills to treat my 2 Sebright Bantam hens. (it is made for pigeons)

The Aviomed 4-in-1 pills contain: 15mg Furaltadone and Ronidazole 10%

Are these drugs (Furaltadone and Ronidazole) safe to use on them as preventative care against e.coli, salmonella, and coccidiosis?

They aren't laying right now, but I assume I'd have to toss any eggs for a period, a month or something?

I have been searching for pill form chicken medications but can only find water soluble powders.

I hope someone can tell me with certainty that these two medications are chicken-safe. I have had excellent success with these with my pigeons as an annual preventative treatment and during my quarantine process for new birds.

I want to treat them because though I quarantined Bob (the lighter one) from Frog (the redder one) for 4 months after I rescued her as a sickly tiny chick, she hasn't been treated for anything (besides using medicated feed for 2 months in the beginning). She seems healthy but is a little leaner than Frog, and sometimes her poops don't look as excellent as Frog's. Thought it would be wise to treat them both "just in case" there's a little e coli, salmonella or cocci going on... then next month will do a deworming.

Can you just take in some fresh droppings to a local vet for a fecal float to look for worms and cocci? I would much prefer not to give medicines if they are not necessary. You could save time by calling around to make sure they will do it, since some may not, and prices can vary. My vet has said that he will do them even though he normally won't see chickens. Ask also if they can do it in the office and not send it out which takes much longer and is more expensive. Cocci is normally treated with amprollium (Corid) in chickens. All chickens have E.coli in their intestines. It's only when something gets out of whack, such as with a respiratory disease invading the air sacs or a reproductive problem like egg yolk peritonitis, that E.coli would be a problem. Sorry I didn't answer your question, but a lot of people use pigeon medicines on chickens if they treat the same illnesses. Hopefully others can answer your question.
Yes, I plan to when I take the pij' fecals in. I usually do it about a month after the annual medications, this way I avoid having to do a before and after fecal, I treat, run fecals after, and everything always comes back "clean".
(vs fecals before, treating, then fecals again to make sure everything's been treated - if anything came up I mean)

But hoping to find out if pill form medications are available for bantams, and/or if I can use the formulations for pigeons as mentioned above. Thanks for the input, appreciated. just hoping to get concrete info on whether or not i's safe to use Furaltadone and Ronidazole. :)

(I do know quite a bit about the internal flora and fauna of poultry and pigeons and regional native/feral avian species, as I've been working with birds, domestic, exotic and wildlife, for nearly 30 years - chicken "medicine" for small flocks in pill form is just new to me. Also, since annual preventative care has worked really well for me on my pigeons, I'm hoping to adapt a modified version for my sebrights if I can determine there's no downside to it. Besides for tossing any eggs, obvs)


Update, just in case anyone wants to know. After posting this I did a course of one pill per day for my two sebrights, for 7 days.
Both ladies seemed fine throughout, and whereas I was previously seeing some questionable poops from one of them, and there was an odor, now everyone is pooping perfectly and almost no odor.
So I'm guessing there was some underlying woe that has now been sorted.
I'm going to get a fecal done just to check, but overall I was really happy with the pill dosing.
(And the results)
(and on the advice of a chicken keeping friend I am throwing away the eggs for 8 weeks post treatment just to be on the safe side)

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