green poop caked on hen's butt acts lethargic help! *update mites!!!!*


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
Irmo, South Carolina
ok guys, i need some advice! i went out to my chicken pen today and found my brahma/silkie mix "henrietta" just standing in one spot, not moving. she is usually a perky energetic girl i picked her up and she had green poop all over her butt!!! i have checked her crop and it is empty, she feels lighter then normal the area under her vent is a little swollen but not hard so i don't think she is eggbound. i brought her inside and she is in a box, resting right now. she acts lethargic and drowsy. she is around 4 years old and has always been healthy other then this. could it be worms? she has never had any vaccinations, she was hatched here. also i have offered her some unflavored yogurt and some lettuce, but she refused it! and she is usually a pig. she is not acting normal at all. what could this be? what else should i be doing for her?

here is a picture of her poop caked butt before i cleaned it.
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The green is because she's not eating. That is the color of bile. If she is lethargic and perhaps lighter than usual/skinny, she may have cocci or worms. To confirm the type, a sample of that poo to any vet should be able to do a fecal float test, and you can probably find the meds at the feed store. In the mean time, clean up the bottom, check for wounds, keep her warm, and make sure she stay hydrated.
i think someone else thought it could be ecoli - i may be wrong! but search on 'neon green poop' for some good advice on overall care while you get this sorted out

i just got back from tractor supply we ran into a very knowledgeable person that told us it was coccidia? and suggested cored as a treatment but they didn't have it. i also told him that we thought it might be worms. i picked up some wazine wormer but i am not sure how to do this, i read how much per gallon of water so i am going to worm all my chickens while i am at it... tomorrow i will get some cored and give her some of that. i am giving her some water in a syringe she is not eating anything! i guess i will have to force her to eat so she does not starve. she just stands there
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just checked on her again, the area below her vent is extremely swollen but is is squishy not hard. if it was hard i would suspect her to be eggbound. i don't know what to do *crys*

maybe threehorses could help me when she is online? she is so smart!
*update* i was going to try to get her to eat something but she was sleeping when i got there. at least she is resting now, maybe when she wakes up i can try to get her to eat.

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